NR | 03 March 2006 (USA)
Flourish Trailers

A tutor recounts a frantic night that culminated in a 16-year old girl's disappearance. Unfolding in front of a video camera direct from a psychiatric ward, Gaby Winters (Jennifer Morrison) recalls a dreadful babysitting job that sent her on a frantic search for a missing teenager out into the heart of a mysterious city. Woven into the story are a multitude of subplots that add up to one chaotic night that Gaby will never forget.

Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
jessdeterman1 As I first started watching i couldn't put my finger on what was so different about the way they all spoke in this movie - then i realized it was the choice of words in the dialog, was strung together so they would all speak in this interesting cadence. It has this quirky vibe to it that really helped with the humor aspects. One favorite was when she says "My car won't go that way". Overall this was a fun movie. It takes a while to see what all of the different characters are really up to, but eventually it starts piecing the puzzle pieces together. What I didn't like, or wasn't a fan of really, was how we never get to see exactly what becomes of the parents, or at least I didn't catch it if they did. Anyways, worth a view I thought.
pullihoo_was Morrison performed her erratic character believably and the supporting cast jumped right to her level. Sure, the movie seems to enjoy chaos. And sure, you feel a certain confusion along the way. But I watched this movie twice, and the second viewing was infinitely better. I let the emotions, humor flow over me. And besides, the story is about psychology and someone who wants to tell a good story -- who happens to be pretty messed up. I guess the ideas behind the movie, plus how surprising the characters behave, made it worth it for me. I have to admit I only watched this movie as an obsessive "House" fan but I enjoyed it much more than I anticipated.This film may not be for everyone, but if you like indie pictures that are specific, kinda difficult, but really freaking funny, with a great cast and a head trip, I would recommend it.
themovie_watcher I do not recommend this movie for the following reasons: 1) The story is confusing, 2) It puts you to sleep, 3) The camera work is poor quality. I am a fan of Jennifer Morrison from the TV show "House," but her acting was unacceptable here.It was almost as if there was no director and the poor girl had to figure it out on her own. The cinematography reminds me of a home video, like something my little brother would do. It's a shame, because there was some potential here. But whatever potential there was has been erased by poor quality in every area, specifically the direction, production design, cinematography, music, and editing.I think the filmmakers didn't know exactly what their goals were: to make us laugh? Scare us? Because the only thing they succeed in doing is confusing us. Rather than wasting your time watching this amateur production, go to the movie theater and watch a real intelligent movie.I highly recommend watching a good thriller like "Fracture," "Donnie Darko," or "Disturbia." "Flourish" wants very badly to be like those movies but simply fails because the screenplay has no destination. It's like riding a plane for hours without knowing where you're headed -- forever. If I were to grade this movie I would give it a D+.
mnovick-2 I saw a screening of this film and it is indie film making at its best. It contains just the right elements of humor and suspense. The film was very well cast and the performances were very strong. There is also a great soundtrack provided by the voice of Jen Morrison and the original songs of Julian Sakata. In fact the song at the end flowed so well with the story that no one moved from their seats until the lights came up in the theatre. Very rare sight for an LA movie crowd. The Story moves very well. Its's interesting to watch all of the characters unwind, and there is something tragic and comedic about the whole thing. The Characters are interesting and really drive the story. Direction is solid. The script is well written. Great overall film.