Flatland: The Film
Flatland: The Film
| 14 January 2007 (USA)
Flatland: The Film Trailers

Flatland is a two-dimensional universe occupied by living geometric figures - squares, triangles, circles, etc. A Square, Attorney At Law, finds himself in the middle of two upheavals: the rise of martial law by the circular leadership of Flatland, and the arrival of A Sphere, CEO Of Messiah, Incorporated, a creature from a hitherto-unknown third dimensional world.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
PodBill Just what I expected
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
fmartinezcalvo This is, undoubtedly, one of the most innovative and bizarre films I've seen lately, and I can tell you I see a few every week! The graphics are just wonderful - probably not so high-tech as you can see in some stupidly expensive Hollywood productions, but who needs those when the beauty is in what those flat characters say and show us! Well, maybe those who don't have anything to say...The use of the different dimensions and the explanations that the characters use to make us understand are of the highest level -- lucid and intelligent, it's a really thought-provoking film, one of those few left out there! ...And what's more, it's even funny at times!
siss400 flatland has always been a magic book for me, as math itself although I was never VERY good at it. My average ability as an engineer to comprehend the mysteries of both the world of science and the social sphere, were given a true boost with this magic allegory. I purchased the film two times so far, one for my husband and one for a friend, and each time I watched it it revealed something new. The animation, I find it superb and the storytelling brilliant. Just brilliant.I only wish there were subtitles to it, as English is not my mother tongue and I struggled enormously at first with all these terms and the peculiar accents. I shall definitely jump to buy the subtitled edition too when it comes out! Not to mention I am truly looking forward to the sequel!!! Flatterland - my last summer reading I mean. How does this sound Sir Ladd?
Benoit Diamond This independent film has everything to become a big hit... a solid storyline, driven from the book by the same name, that leaves you both amused and disturbed at times. A good soundtrack that leaves it's mark, but doesn't overpower the art and dialogs. Amusing characters that you can't help but sympathize with, and finally, beautiful artwork that has nothing to envy to Hollywood productions, as it doesn't distract your attention from the story itself.Reading the book beforehand is not necessary, but will definitely help you catch on to the story faster, as you will not sit there wondering what's up with these wacky Flatlanders while an important part of the plot is revealed.A must see! I highly recommend it.
nopuppy-1 This is what independent work is all about. The animation is beautiful, yet not like any animation you've seen. This is no slick rip-off of successful style with smarmy pop-culture references; no Disney/Pixar wannabes here. The director has a vision of his own and makes it happen. It's a very, very good adaptation of the Abbott novel, witty, with good voice-work and very good music. There are some mind-blowing sequences towards the end, but the most impressive quality is the originality of the vision. If this is the director's first feature, there are big things in store for him. Don't lose that vision! A film like this gives me hope.