Five Children and It
Five Children and It
PG | 15 October 2004 (USA)
Five Children and It Trailers

A Psammead is 'It', an ancient, irritable, ugly sand fairy, which five children find one day in a gravel pit. As a reward for finding him, It grants the children one wish a day, the results of which will last until sunset.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
jc-osms I like to read classic children's fiction and finished E Nisbett's book not long before watching this most recent adaptation of the fantasy story. The film was pleasant enough without ever convincing me I was watching a true classic movie for children.Watching it, you'll be reminded a little of "The Railway Children" with the evacuated children missing their father who's away fighting the First World War, whilst horrible cousin Horace is greatly reminiscent of the Dursley boy in Harry Potter and of course the daily wish routine recalls "Aladdin", as indeed does Eddie Izzard's Robin Williams-type takeover of the sand-fairy character.Although Jim Henson's studio do a good job of animating "It", I didn't feel that Eddie Izzard's voice matched up to the character. Special effects were okay, like the multiple duplication of the children over the first wish and later when the children sprout wings, but without ever really astonishing the viewer as they might have..The children all acted well enough especially the youngster playing daddy's boy Robert while Kenneth Branagh gets to bluster a lot and Zoe Wannamaker simper a lot as the children's bumptious uncle and supportive maid respectively.The screenplay only occasionally meets up with the novel and I didn't like the odd touch of modern vulgarity and use of expressions recognisable from today either. I certainly got more from the parent book than this film, which might have had something to do with my imaginings of the sand-fairy's depiction not being reached and that the shots of rural England failed to transport me back as I'd have wished.Overall, for me the film's sly updating of the story for modern audiences let down the innocent charm of the book.
EasternMafia I will repeat - what a stupid scenario.Is there anything new inside? I don't know who have wrote this. But i believe this guy have watch all Hollywood -children -family -teens movies ever made... all scenes and dilouges u can see in everywhere. Why do u people making this movies? children's like an adults? they like money gold cars... and they are positives? they have lucky... and emotions of course... without it can be done. o the young Actors - wow :-). I do like when is camera concentrated on their nice faces? what a crap... there is 90% better children movies that this one! This is not creative or funny movie. This is simply nothing.D.
dwpollar 1st watched 10/29/2006 - 4 out of 10(Dir-John Stephenson): Mildly entertaining story of a group of five kids who are forced to live with their eccentric uncle while their father and mother fight & work in World War I as England entered the war. They are told not to go in the greenhouse of the uncle's mansion, which of course they do over and over, and they discover a sand fairy who them daily wishes that only last until the sun goes down. This is the "IT" referred to in the title, created by the Jim Henson group and voiced by Eddie Izzard. The problem is their wishes usually bring about other problems that they are supposed to learn from. This part of the movie is not done very well because it's obvious the children, primarily the Freddie Highmore character, do not learn from them but instead keep going back to "it" to solve their next big problem. "IT" is not nearly as funny as it could have been with the comedian Eddie Izzard really not given much opportunity to improvise and Kenneth Branagh is wasted as the eccentric uncle, although he is the best character. The children are fine as far as their acting abilities but the story probably would have been much better going into the fantasy realm but they did have a human story to tell as well, which probably caused the confusion with the filmmakers. So, all in all, this was an OK film but could have been much better.
sam838 This is a wonderfully sweet, innocent movie that parents and children alike will enjoy. This is a movie that brings us back to our childhood and the dreams and fantasies that were part of the innocence of children and of believing in the impossible. The five children in this movie are sweet and caring siblings - not argumentative and spoiled children, but siblings who clearly love one another.The idea that make believe can come true is refreshing. Clearly this is a movie about love, hope and dreams. Freddie Hightower, the young star of Neverland, is just as good in this movie. He is joined in his acting ability by 5 other young actors, as well as the wonderful Zoe Wanamaker and Kenneth Branaugh - all of whom are wonderful.The scenery is wonderful - the England coastline. This is one of those movies they don't make enough of - it leaves you smiling when you finish the movie.