Fist of Jesus
Fist of Jesus
| 12 October 2012 (USA)
Fist of Jesus Trailers

When Jacob tells Jesus that Lazarus, his son, is dead, he goes to his house to raise him from the dead.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
beorhhouse Go ahead goat-head! Make fun of your Creator. That's smart.
Foreverisacastironmess I'm not exactly all that sure myself just why the really crazy and wild comedic action horror shorts such as this one do it for me, but they certainly do. I just find the hectic in-your-face colourful style to be highly appealing and a ton of fun, the ones that I've seen always seem to have just the right mix of humour, action, and dementedly creative gore gags, and this is no exception. The very idea of it is so hilariously absurd that somehow it just automatically works! I mean it's about bloody Jesus Christ himself screwing up big time when, whilst attempting to perform the 'blessed' miracle of resurrection, instead unleashes a zombie plague, and then later after eventually gaining a little courage after screaming like a woman and fleeing to the hills, it's up to Jesus and his best pal Judas to put a stop to the shambling hordes of rottenness for good in a terrifically well choreographed free-for-all of blood, guts, death and destruction!! I find the whole thing to be entertaining and I was impressed at the variety of practical effect splatter injuries that they came up with during the sequence. People complain at how fake the effects of this short look, but I don't think it would've worked any other way. How can you do something that's about Jesus fighting the undead and not have it be laughably ridiculous? lf you've watched it to the point where Jesus hysterically busts out the fish and starts using them as deadly projectile weapons and you still haven't got that it's not meant to be taken seriously, then it's probably just not for you! And if you're going into this gory little extravaganza expecting to be scared or something then you're gonna be disappointed because this is the type of thing that is intentionally bad, as it progresses the madcap violence only gets funnier. My favourite part is when the skeleton of the fish is used like a makeshift chainsaw! Also it was such a charmingly weird touch how they decided to just throw cowboy zombies into the mix pretty much for the hell of it! Very freaking strange and bizarre, but also a blast and very fun, very fast paced, and also very likely containing the most blood you've ever seen. I recommend this to the hardcore zombie and gruesome carnage lovers looking for a crazy fun time. Excellente!!!
preppy-3 Very very very VERY gory Spanish short with English subtitles. Jesus helps Lazarus rise from the dead. Very good but Lazarus is now a flesh-eating zombie! Jesus screams like a girl and, with Judas following, runs to escape. However they're surrounded by Roman soldier zombies and cowboy (???) zombies. What follows is an incredibly gory (and incredibly funny) fight between Jesus and Judas and zombies! The Catholic Church will probably go crazy if it ever gets a look at this! It tears into Jesus and the Bible with glee with tons of gore and blood. The special effects are excellent and look very realistic. This is basically a must see for gore fans who aren't loyal Catholics. A 10 all the way.
BA_Harrison Remember that vicar in Peter Jackson's splatter classic Brain Dead who used his martial arts skills to smite zombies in the name of God? Well, here we have another fellow kicking undead arse for the Lord… none other than the son of God himself, Jesus Christ (Marc Velasco), who takes extreme and very gory measures after accidentally starting a zombie outbreak while showing off his power to resurrect the dead. With a little help from pal Judas (Noé Blancafort), JC chops, saws, hacks, punches and kicks his way through an army of mouldy flesh-eaters (which includes Pharisian zombies, Roman zombies, and Cowboy zombies—yes, you read that right… Cowboy zombies!) with only an endless supply of fish for weapons (it's that kind of film).Incredibly stupid but also incredibly entertaining, Fist of Jesus is fifteen minutes of pure, unadulterated gore-drenched fun, directed with plenty of flair and energy by Adrián Cardona and David Muñoz, whose irreverent splat-stick style has clearly been inspired by the early work of the aforementioned Mr. Jackson. Guts are ripped, bodies torn asunder, piranha fish thrown and heads crushed, with as much blood and body-parts chucked about in the process as the budget will allow. By the end of the film, Jesus's traditional white robes have turned bright red. Needless to say, devout Christians should probably give this a wide berth: a healthy sense of humour about all things Biblical is a must.8.5 out of 10, rounded up to 9 for IMDb.