Premutos: The Fallen Angel
Premutos: The Fallen Angel
| 24 March 1997 (USA)
Premutos: The Fallen Angel Trailers

Premutos is the first of the fallen Angels, even before Lucifer. His Goal is to rule the world, the living and the dead. His son should pave the way for him and appears arbitrary throughout human history and is then recognized as some kind of monster. In the present time, a young man living in Germany begins to suffer from visionary flashbacks - of the lives he lived in the past as Premutos' son! He remembers how he appeared in the middle age, when mankind suffered from pestilence and during WWII in Russia. On his (earthly) father's birthday, a case containing some strange old book and a yellow potion is found in their garden, which was hidden by some peasant in 1943, who experimented with witchery in order to re-animate his deceased wife. Whe the young man gets in touch with the book and some of the yellow potion, he mutates into a monster and awakens an army of zombies, ready to bring back the fallen Angel Premutos and to disturb the little birthday party

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
GL84 Trying to live out his life, a young man is plagued by flashbacks of himself fighting the fallen God Premutos throughout history and gradually believes that he is the son of the being which brings about an apocalypse as the slain followers rise from the dead to attack the countryside.This is easily one of the goriest films ever made. One of the better features here is that there is really no way to describe the gore and bloodshed present in the film. Chainsaw evisceration's, being split in half, decapitations, slit throats, axes sliced into almost every body part and gunshots are used to inflict damage, and this is just the beginning of this one. There is much more to this, and with both sides getting torn up as there are so many deaths and mutilations on display it just becomes a showcase for the special effects. The good part is that most of them are quite impressive in their on-screen realization, which makes them appear as if it's happening in real life and therefore more relatable. The zombies here are just delicious-looking, full of European goodness with facial wounds and scars, body modification and damage done to them that is quite striking and memorable. This is the movie's greatest feat, as since it's all kept light-hearted so an incredibly gory movie is fun to watch. Beyond the gore, there is a lot to like about this one which includes the action scenes. The flashbacks spread liberally throughout the film definitely get better and more intense as it goes along. The attack on the farmhouse is a great one, with plenty of action, gore and some great moments spread in it, and the WWII one sticks out as well. Of course, the final half hour of the film features some of the most impressive gore effects ever as a continuous series of action scenes happen during that time that it's nearly suffocating. It is wall-to-wall to a degree rarely seen in such a film, and the fact that it's so long a sequence makes it all the better. While not laugh-out-loud funny, there are some pretty funny sequences here that do get a couple chuckles. A soccer sequence is the most likely, due to an outcome that could be seen coming from a mile away, but yet still appeals to men everywhere who love the lowest-common-denominator gags and the dinner party sequence gets some good laughs. Despite the gore in here, this is still flawed. One of the main things is the pretty nonsensical plot. It's almost impossible to tell what's going on in the film, especially at the very beginning and the fact that it keeps going back and forth through times makes it all the more difficult. There really isn't any motive for Premutos' return, and no attempt is even made, which would've been a nice inclusion into the narrative. His threat is revealed numerous times, but nothing is said about why this particular time and place is the time for him to return. Even still, once the zombie resurrection has started they both disappear from the film with no explanation as to why. This is the greatest danger to the film and the only part holding it down.Rated UR/NC-17: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, a sex scene and themes of incest and S&M.
ElijahCSkuggs MINOR MINOR Spoilers....I mean MINOR! A question that pops into your mind while watching this movie is: "Would I kill myself if I had my balls bitten off by a zombie?" You find out that answer and many more brain busters while watching this gore fest.Movie's about a dude named Mathias (who is incredibly poor at soccer) who has visions about the first God named Premutos. These dreams are real weird and actually I'm having a hard time remembering exactly what this is really about. You most likely will too. All I know is that Premutos through Mathias returns to Earth to reclaim his world. Zombies appear through some type of means and all hell breaks loose. The death count in this movie is ridiculously high. You actually receive a total at the end of the movie which is a dare I hope someone else takes on.The movie is full of gore and blood. There are some gaps between the gore, some momentary lags and some unnecessary scenes(dinner scene)....but when the violence appears it doesn't let up. The ending especially.There are people that find the dubbing to be atrocious. It is bad. It seems the people in control of the dubbing wrote their own script for the movie. There's added one liners everywhere in this movie. BUT if you have a silly sense of humor you WILL enjoy some of them. There were times in this movie I busted out laughing due to the lack of expectation of some seriously silly writing. ie: Girl In Stands: "You'd look better without the shorts!" Mathias: "Suck my d!ck b!tch!" You'd expect that to be a compliment...nope...and it turned out hilarious. As I said, the dubbing is poorly done, but the writing is sometimes pretty damn funny.Premutos is definitely worthy of comparison to Braindead/Dead Alive. It definitely has a higher body count, but when it comes down to amount of blood/gore...Braindead is still champ. Don't let that sway you, the movie is FULL of great gory action. It's definitely not executed as well as Braindead, but it gets the job done.For fans of gore, you will definitely not be disappointed.
dfolt Simply terrible! Why wouldn't you use actual actors? Look, this has to stop! Stop using non-actors! If you want any credibility or any message sent via these low-budget films...please for the love of god use real actors! Most will work for free...take advantage of that! Now back to my comment...anyway, the humour was lower than that of the bathroom variety and wasn't funny on any level. As for the one scene filmed on a public transportation bus you could see the reflection of the crew...guess what? It was one guy with what looked like a Sony Camcorder and probably not even his. Well, I assume the only audience for this film are people with a gore fetish...and it wasn't even good gore.
Teeeelicious Even though the whole film was in German without English subtitles, that still didn't stop me from enjoying this gorefest. I personally think Olaf Ittenbach made this movie with the intentions of trying to top Peter Jackson's 'Braindead' in the gore category, but unfortunately, I still feel 'Braindead' is the King Of Gore Films. Nevertheless, 'Premutos' never fails to shock and awe with the gallons and gallons of gore, blood and guts that the zombies so desperately crave. Even though this film is very over-the-top at certain points; there's a scene where the main character is picking his nose at the dinner table and flicks his booger off of his finger and it accidentally shoots down some dinner guest's throat - very reminiscent of the dinner scene during 'Braindead' where mum squeezes the pus and blood from her bite into the dinner guest's creamy custard. Whatever the case, 'Premutos' is definitely a movie of its time and could quite possibly be the 2nd goriest film of all time. Don't worry Peter Jackson, 'Braindead' is still undefeated when it comes to gore.