Final Cut
Final Cut
| 13 November 1998 (USA)
Final Cut Trailers

A group of friends gather for a wake, and are shown a video shot by Jude and starring them before he dies. Things go rapidly downhill.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
junk-monkey Several vile people meet at the funeral of the utterly repulsive Jude to watch a film he has been secretly making of their lives. Many "revelations" later, and after every cast member has said "Fu*k!" about 300 times each, one of the assembled 'friends' is revealed to be Jude's murderer. The final puzzle of how the hell such an impressive cast was conned into making this piece of garbage is left unresolved.I learnt several things from this film: Ray Winston can say "Fu*k" more often and with more different infections in one movie than the average person will say in their whole lifetime.Sadie Frost couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Her final piece to camera is just embarrassingly awful. She is as about convincing as a distraught and grieving woman as Mother Theresa would be playing King Kong.But most impressively, I learnt you can rip 35mm film out of a camera, drag it half-way up a London street, then have armed policemen jump up and down on it - and still be able to develop it! (How else to explain the existence of the shot of Winston's character reaching toward the camera just before leaving the flat when in the next shot, from a different angle, we see the film containing that shot being ripped out of the camera).Avoid this movie.
Fuelish I am a huge Jude Law fan and have seen most of his movies. I bought this movie from used and was sadly disappointed. There was no real plot and the acting was sub-par. Jude was barely in the "movie." This was more of a documentary then a movie, with the plot being a man making a movie of his friends from hidden cameras throughout his home. At certain points is was borderline nauseating as a woman sits on the toilet tinkling for well over a minute. Honestly I can't believe that Jude subjected himself to this punishment since the opening was his obituary and wake! If you are a Jude fan or even if you aren't my advice would be not to waste your time and money with this movie. Even if Jude Law wasn't in this movie I would call it one of the worst movies ever made.
Pete-228 I knew nothing at all about this film before I went to see it, so I was very surprised by it's content. Basically, a group of friends gather at the wake of one of their friends who has died. At this wake, they are shown a video that he has produced consisting of secret film taken of them all. This video gives away some of their deepest and darkest secrets, as well as giving an insight into what they really think of each other. For about the first fifteen minutes I found myself lost as to what was going on, but then it all starts to become clear and leads up to the sting at the end. Be aware though that the language is very strong and some of the actions in it are quite explicit. Despite this, though, I found it very enjoyable and I was absolutely hooked to it for most of the time. As an aside, if you've ever watched 'Operation Good Guys' on BBC you will recognise a lot of the cast.
razasyed Absolute drivel. I was really psyched about this movie because the posters had a great tagline -- JUDE IS DEAD -- but the actual film on display was terrible. It's this quasi-verite retroactive murder mystery -- superficially like THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT in a lot of ways, and that's sorta the problem. BLAIR is so damn good that this terrible, pretentious, fake, and causally barren film pales -- understatement -- by comparison. The characters are one-note and inscrutable, and the emotions on display are contemptibly stuck-on and just plain awful.