| 27 May 1996 (USA)
Feeders Trailers

Two friends on a road trip pass through a town where aliens are landing and feeding upon the some of the civilians.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
TheRetardedVacuum I was surprised that I actually found this movie rather enjoyable. The entire film has a friends-messing-around-with-a-camcorder type charm to it.There are several things worth mentioning: the acting, which was hilarious in places, the captions showing the time in the movie that appear on the bottom of the screen every once and a while which look like they were taken straight from one of those FOX caught-on-tape shows, the poorly CGI'd UFOs, getting to see the world through "alienvision", and the aliens themselves, which look nothing like the one on the cover, and are all puppets (hey, at least it's better than CGI, judging by how the UFO's looked I can only imagine how the aliens would have looked if they were animated the same way). It was a delight watching these cute little guys stumble across the screen. The one scene that sticks out in my mind is one where one of the aliens kills a guy by gently poking him on the neck (the sticks used to move his arms are too clear to ignore), and then him and his buddies eat his remains.There's also another notable scene in a hospital where the aliens are eating a dead body and a huge wound is drawn on to the screen with what looks like MS paint, and the doctor's death, priceless.This is definitely not what you'd call a good movie, very far from it. Before you watch this movie, know what you're watching and just enjoy it for what it is, and what it is is hilarious.
caspian1978 If you're a fan of B Horror films, why wouldn't you like this movie? This film has it all. From the corny but predictable story to its average yet acceptable acting. Feeders was worth making a sequel and hopefully another to complete the trilogy. Keep your eye open for John McBride who shows off his giant 80's hair style in this soon to be classic low budget flick.
rcw-5 I heard that this movie, Feeders, was so bad that it had to be seen to be believed. I saw and now I believe. From the early Commodore Amiga computer graphics, to the stupid goofy looking alien creatures, this movie takes the grand prize in the crappy film category. No, I didn't forget about the cheesy acting, nor the fact that the background music blared loudly and drowned out much of the dialog. To sum it up, this movie really sucked.
HUD-6 Ed Wood wrote a script over the top and cheesy-Feeders script is downright bare-bones stinky and laughable. Ed Wood took at least a few actors with some ability and ended up with a bunch of Michael Kaines compared to this film! I work at a video store and this is the only film in the 4 years I've worked there where someone came in upset saying they wanted their money back---To quote the gentleman "This is the worst piece of **** I have ever seen" Because of that, I checked it out-and have done so numerous times to show to friends and watch the disbelief on their faces.