Fat Pizza
Fat Pizza
| 10 April 2003 (USA)
Fat Pizza Trailers

Fat Pizza the Film is yet another slice of life at a dodgy suburban Sydney take away. Bobo Gigliotti the psychotic pizzeria owner/pizza chef is awaiting the arrival of his mail-order refugee bride Lin Chow Bang, and a new pizza deliverer is on the block. Channel V's Jabba almost steals the show as token skip delivery boy Davo Dinkum, a stoner with a bong strapped to his face like a feedbag.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
plastergnome This piece of worthless rubbish could only be made in Australia. The humour is definitely aimed at the sort of man (I can't imagine any women watching more than 10 seconds of it), who thinks it hilarious to drop his trousers after drinking 15 pints. Not that the Australian film industry is devoid of humour. "Malcolm" for example, was both clever and funny and an absolute gem. "Fat Pizza" on the other hand seems to have been made in a couple of weeks by someone who's idea of a joke is to say f*** a few times and then bleep it out. There are loads of brain-dead jokes that a four year old would not find funny and if the makers of this film spent more than the price of a can of Fosters on the film sets, they were well and truly ripped off. Despite this, the acting is acceptable and there are some reasonable performances, despite the script. For the first few minutes I couldn't decide whether I liked the film or not. Sometimes a film can be awful, but work really well, but it soon became obvious that it was trying desperately hard to be funny, and failing. I am not averse to the "no brain required" sort of humour that Hollywood turns out on a regular basis, it's fun and and a bit of light entertainment. This movie, however, is awful and a real chore to sit through. The childish attempts at being (oh so) politically incorrect are just embarrassing. I can imagine that the actors and crew had a great time making this movie, but it simply doesn't work on the screen.There is nothing else to compare this film to. The closest thing I can think of is if a bunch of not very bright schoolboys trying really, really hard to be naughty, got hold of a camera. This is the first review I have posted, and that's because this is the only movie I have ever felt angry about wasting my time trying to watch. Don't waste your time or money renting it, just do yourself a favour and avoid this complete rubbish at all costs.
nakar1 Fat pizza is a great movie, at the beginning the movie looks to me funny and stupid but after a while and a second look.... It's still looks stupid but very smart because it criticize everything and everybody. I guess I miss some thing that Australian will found funny, but still a very fun smart and non PC as a movie as should be. They want me to write at lease ten line so I'm trying to do so and I hope that I will succeed with that mission. For now it's not so easy because my comment was two short because it's not easy to me to express my self in English, and to express my thoughts about this movie. Wish me lock..............hope this comment will not deleted.
wombat_1 If you've read all the other comments, then you will know that this film manages to offend almost every minority group that ever existed in this country. And whilst I agree to some extent with the other commentators that that is not necessarily a bad thing, that's all that this film is, and I don't believe that that makes it as funny as everyone else thought. It's fat, it's cheesy, but it ain't all that hilarious.
Michael Barnett If you're a Pizza fan you'll definitely enjoy this movie. It's as politically incorrect as the TV series and manages to take a swipe at just about every minority in sight. Other than a few slow moments that could have been cut with no loss in continuity, the film was fun, pacey, colourful and very titillating. Make sure you go to the film with no expectations and leave your brain at home.