Fast Sofa
Fast Sofa
| 15 June 2001 (USA)
Fast Sofa Trailers

Rick, a dope fiend, believes his goal in life is to track down Ginger, a famous porn star who is currently staying in her Beverly Hills hideaway. Rick is obsessed with Ginger, watches her movies obsessively, and deals drugs on the side, all to the chagrin of his lover Tamara. He decides to seek out Ginger while on the road, and along the way picks up Jules, a neurotic virgin.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
thepartydjz This film will strike a chord with those that appreciate such films as "Repo Man" and other "cult classics". I've read several reviews and I have to disagree with most if not all of them.If you enjoy films that have strange characters and give talented actors the opportunity to elaborate on such characters you are definitely in for a special treat.First off Jake Busey who possesses nearly all of his father's natural charisma is as far left of your standard Hollywood leading man as you can possibly get. His character grows on you as the film progresses. His most unlikely sidekick Jules (Crispin Glover) is as off the wall as can be and the role is mastered by the quirky Glover as only his style can deliver.I've read several negative reviews on Jennifer Tilly, I think they are completely unfair and I truly believe she nails her role (no pun intended) she plays a porn star. A porn star who believes she can break into "straight" films and become a star. She lives an insanely crazy life and is dominated by an equally crazy and controlling husband. Enter Eric Roberts, his performance is simply amazing. As usual give Eric an insane, controlling, bad guy role and he excels.Many of the scenes will be disturbing to some but they are also very gripping scenes and I believe the editing adds to the tension of the scenes. There is also some very clever dark humor involved, if you don't get it this film is probably not for you. Also worth mentioning is Tilly's character's favorite song, the classic rock ballad "I'm in You" by Peter Frampton, if there is a hidden meaning in this film then this is as deep as it gets.Please view this film with an open mind, there is no deep message or hero. Many have labeled it a "Road Trip" film, I'll simply call it a trip, and invite all who enjoy breakout characters to come along for the ride. If you're tired of typical Hollywood flicks you will find this film very refreshing.And, I am very critical of films, out of 50 I might really like one, and I really like this one. My only requirement is that it must be "different" and this one certainly fits that description. You will also want to view it multiple times, the scenes and the acting are that good. It does get better each time you see it.
Annette83 32 people out of 138 gave this movie an 8, 9, or 10. That means that over 23% of people who watched it and bothered to vote were smart enough and thoughtful enough to actually get it... that's not too depressing.I thought this movie was awesome. I couldn't stop thinking about the psychology of the characters and how much thought must have gone into writing this. Natasha Lyonne's and Adam Goldberg's characters are boring and "normal" characters, whereas Crispin Glover(Jules), Jake Busey(Rick), and Jennifer Tilly(Ginger) are caricatures of three different types of people. Rick is completely driven by hormones and impulses, Jules lives in his head and observes the world but doesn't really live in it, and Ginger is addicted to attention and mental abuse. Their attempts to live life this way eventually fails for each of them.
sixtwentysix One problem is, you look at the cast and expect gold, I'm here to say DON'T. Enjoy it for what it is and you're going to have a good time.Fast Sofa is a strange watch. It's a movie that will leave some very cold towards it. A crazy cast delivers some very watchable moments and it's got very nuanced, strange performances from both Crispin Glover and an over the top Jake Busey. I recommend this on some conditions...The problem with this movie, it lacks direction. Even in a buddy road movie about two people with NO direction you need to have a somewhat coherent plot. This movie misses on that, no matter, it keeps you watching with cheap shock value, strange exchanges and funny moments. The film seems to be schitzo, but again that doesn't necessarily make it a bad film. The director could have reigned in the camera trickery as it plays out like a bad art student film at times but I found it tolerable. Interesting credits.While this film is hard to watch for some people as it tends to meander, Jake Busey and Crispin Glover make this is a must for fans of strange trashy late night films. I really at times wonder why Busey hasn't done more, he's got great timing and strange charisma. Ah well, put this one on your late night viewing list, keep your expectations low and enjoy. 7/10
film1freak Crispin Glover rocks! The rest of the film on the other hand . . . does not. In fact, the rest of this flick was the minor millipede getting squashed by the crispy rock. Interesting enough to keep you until the end but for some reason the movie forgot to deliver.