Fanged Up
Fanged Up
| 31 October 2017 (USA)
Fanged Up Trailers

A young rogue is thrown into prison for the weekend, unaware that the guards are blood-sucking vampires and the inmates are their victims

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Neil Grant Anything with Terry Stone in has never let me down yet. Nice to see a few actors I know in this film Being a huge fan of Horror comedy's this is brilliant. As an Actor myself I totally wish I had a part in this .Fantastic Film 10 stars
glorigg Funny from start to finish, this film does remind me of great British comedy of old. Interesting characters deliver classic one liners, none more so than our hero Jimmy. A clever story line with a twist at the end, well worth watching!
ElliottFG So I remember watching all the behind the scenes to the making of this and it was amazing how the actors got along and what they had to do to make this happen also watching stu bennet and Stephen marcus discussing fanged up with how the plot comes together you may say that this is pathetic or cheap but in all fairness it'll be the next shaun of the dead. Dapper and his comedy and personality mixing into this film along with experienced actors like terry stone. This is a review simply based of the sheer enjoyment the cast have had making the film its a no brainer to go and see it so to all the tasteless people giving poor ratings to the hard work that people put into this your scum go and see for yourself the clips of behind the scenes and the fun they had... cant wait for another movie keep up with the comedy!
bensinne People need to remember dapper laughs was a character, I worked on this with Daniel, he wrote this not only as a comedy horror, with romance but also as a vehicle to strip himself of the dapper character, you see elements of it at the beginning in the character he plays them it's completely stripped and made vaunrable, he's a class act in this