Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
PG | 23 March 2003 (USA)
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When his father dies, Terry (Gary Sinese) returns to the house where he grew up, planning to stay only long enough to clean and settle the estate. Yet something indescribable keeps him there longer than expected. Soon, he is reunited with memories and people from his past and his life is changed forever.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
SnoopyStyle Terry McQuinn (Gary Sinese)'s father takes care of the Wentworth family's summer place Serenity Cottage in Rosepoint, Maine. He recalls a time 30 years ago as a kid when Charles Wentworth brought his family for an unusual Christmas visit. On a snowy road after delivering gifts to the hospital, Charles killed a woman and child in an accident. He became despondent, and his wife leaves him taking their daughter. He would work at the hospital until he's gone. Terry constantly clashed with his father and struck out on his own. He returns home from California after 20 years when his father dies. He meets Charles' brother Warren (Gordon Pinsent). He reconnects with Charles's daughter Katherine Wentworth (Joely Richardson) after 30 years who arrives with her adopted blind daughter but she doesn't remember her time in Rosepoint.The movie takes a bit too long to get to Joely Richardson and even longer to get her together with Gary Sinese. It has a slow sad tone. This is more of a relationship movie between Terry and his dead father as well as Katherine and her father. It's also a very haunting movie. If the movie has more Joely Richardson, this would be more of a tear jerker. This is a sweet melodrama performed well by excellent actors.
sxygirlgr I loved this movie. It had a very interesting story that left you wanting to know what will happen next. Love the innocence of it all. They rarely make movies like that anymore so when I saw it I said finally. No sex scenes that you're forced to look at to get to the next part of the movie..LOL....just a really nice well put together movie...had a lot of twists. I didn't understand why someone would leave their family just because of an accident that clearly wasn't their fault. However, that might have been one of the things that made the story interesting. I missed the end but the hallmark channel is airing it again next week so I'll catch it then:)
GSAnchorman I viewed this movie tonight 12-19-04 and thought it was very well directed. I was awestruck at the acting by Jordy Benatter. I am not familiar with this actress, but if she isin't blind in real life she is one great actress. This movie had everything, sadness, joy, highs and lows. It will keep anybody that likes great family movies glued to their seats.I have never wrote a comment before on any movies, but this one just tugged at my heart. I will recommend this movie to all my friends and ask them after the film how they enjoyed it. I am sure I will get very favorable comments from all. Give this movie at least 9 stars out of ten.
liza7212 I just saw this last night and it moved me so I can't tell you. It was beautifully done. Gary Sinise is a hell of an actor. I just wished that they would have explained why his father did not show him any affection. That is the only thing that was off in this picture.