Face of a Fugitive
Face of a Fugitive
NR | 01 May 1959 (USA)
Face of a Fugitive Trailers

A man who was falsly accused for murder escapes the sheriffs and starts a new life in a town at the border of the States to Mexico. But he cannot settle in peace as his chasers are trying to find him.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Chase_Witherspoon Reasonably taut western-suspense has MacMurray, unwittingly on the run after his brother (Hayes) kills a lawman then dies during a bungled escape from custody. He quickly establishes himself with an alter-ego and his forthright, courteous style captures the attention of local widow (Green) whose young, somewhat precocious daughter (read matchmaker) has taken a shine to the amiable MacMurray. Trouble with local thugs (Baxter and Coburn principally) and a more pragmatic need of cash, prompts MacMurray to "go-straight" and take on a job as the struggling sheriff's (McCarthy) deputy, but his past is going to catch up with him soon."Fugitive" can sometimes be a dark little suspense-thriller, carried effectively by MacMurray's sombreness as he reflects on the life of crime that ultimately cost his kid brother's life and now threatens to derail his chance at a future with Green. Baxter is prominent as the town bully, flanked by an imposing James Coburn in his second movie. Coburn has more dialogue and presence than would ordinarily be attributed to a minor supporting actor in that part, perhaps indicative of his potential.Climactic ending has a gunfight in an abandoned town under the cloak of a dust storm, as MacMurray attempts to redeem himself before judgement day. A western in appearance only, the themes are very transferable with good suspense and tension throughout.
edwagreen Just when I thought that my tastes had changed with age regarding westerns, I caught this one and was I ever surprised.It's just not the shoot them up type of western; there is a good story here with sentimental value. A younger brother catches a fatal bullet while trying to get his brother to escape from the law which is trying to get him to jail. The older brother, played wisely by Fred MacMurray, describes to his dying brother what led him down the wrong path.Upon coming to town MacMurray gets involved with a lawman who is trying to prevent a guy and his gang from erecting a fence up that will keep the people out. The guy has a widowed sister with a young child so you know that romance will bloom.The story takes place basically in one day as the town waits for the picture of MacMurray to be sent to them. The lawman-brother, goes strictly by the book as he reads his law books in preparation to become an attorney.This is a story of redemption and human kindness. The true hallmark of the film is that it ends too soon. You always want good pictures to continue, but the film ended at an appropriate point.
whpratt1 This film starts off with Jim Larsen, (Fred MacMurray) being handcuffed on a train headed for a prison after he was involved with a bank holdup. As the train travels, Jim Larsen's young brother jumps on the train and tries to free his brother who did not want him to get involved and the brother is wounded and Jim puts him into the baggage car in order to give him a good place to hide. Jim Larsen decides to find a small town to settle in and he even sits next to a little girl on the train and when he gets to the town he becomes friends with the local sheriff, Mark Riley, (Lin McCarthy) and even becomes romantically involved with the sheriff's sister, Ellen Bailey,(Dorothy Green). You will never be able to figure out how this picture ends, but it was a perfect ending for a guy like Jim Larsen. Enjoy.
alexmichaels I was trying to sleep and came across this on the Western channel. It kept me up. The first time I saw Fred MacMurray was on reruns of "My Three Sons" when I was little. Then when I saw him in "Double Indemity," my whole opinion of him changed. He does very well as the anti-hero here. I didn't see the beginning of the movie so all I knew going on is that he is bank robber and while he is a "bad" guy," you start to want him to be happy. I won't give away too much of the movie, but it is definitely worth a look. The subtleness of the acting styles has a lot to be desired and the way the romance is handled is great. Like in all old (and new) movies, it happens quickly, but you believe it because the two people have a need that draws them together. I wasn't expecting the shoot out at the end to go the way it did. Yet, well, I can't say how it ends, but it was very well done.