R | 09 June 1978 (USA)
Eyeball Trailers

A group of American tourists is traveling through Spain when two of them are murdered by a mysterious serial killer who removes an eyeball from every one of his victims. The tour presses on as the murders continue, with the travelers and the police trying to deduce which one of them is the killer.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
acidburn-10 I'm a big fan of Giallo movies, they're fun and totally over the top and yes incredibly trashy, and always feels like their in another world where logic and sense are totally abandoned in something that feels otherworldly , but that's okay as they're a lot of fun with an intriguing plot and mystery attached.While 'Eyeball' is definitely a Giallo through and through, filled with all the typical troupes such as killer POV, gloved hand killer, overuse of primary colours (Red in this case), inept police force, oddly pacific kills, bad dubbing and a final bait and switch or the killers identity. Despite having these troupes, 'Eyeball' does nothing to enhance them or in fact add any sort of flair to the proceedings.Despite an interesting storyline where a group of American tourists travel to Barcelona on a tour bus, and almost immediately start getting picked off one by one at every stop by a hooded figure wearing a red mac and plucking out their left eye. Now that does sound interesting and this could have been a hell of a lot of fun, but it isn't its just plain flat and completely devoid of any suspense and worst of all the kills are completely tame. There just seems to be a lack of communication between the cast and the crew as each character lifelessly plough from one scene to the next without any understanding of the script or motivation.Even from a technical point everything just seems so lazy and unfocused; with the same theme music used in every scene (even when there's nothing happening) and the same ridiculous zoom in used in every shot. But despite the many, many faults everything does move at a brisk pace and the identity of the killer was a genuine surprise, even if it make no sense whatsoever and only the final scene holds any suspense whatsoever where the girl is all alone at the church and sees the murderer, after viewing an incriminating photograph of the killer's identity in broad daylight standing next to a bush holding a knife, which was hilarious and there are enough red herrings littered throughout to keep you guessing all the way to the end.So on the whole while 'Eyeball' isn't a good movie by any stretch of the imagination, it is quite fun in a so bad it's good kinda way, and while it's nowhere near one of the better Giallo movies from this period, I'd say at least give it a shot as it can be considered an early slasher movie.
andrabem A group of American tourists is visiting Spain. A red-cloaked killer is with them (or following them). The killings are nasty and the victims always have one of their eye balls removed. Right in the beginning of the film there's a very sudden and brutal murder. The fateful knife flashes out, the unlucky victim screams and screams again and the knife goes down and down. From this moment on I was hooked to the film.Slasher film fans should like "Gatti rossi in un labirinto di vetro" (Eyeball). The action never lets down and the film is incredibly light and humorous. There are of course pretty girls and the mandatory lesbian couple (with rights to jealousy, fight and reconciliation scenes). The viewer is given a lot of red herrings and this enhances the fun still more. The Spanish locations are delightful (Barcelona and Sitges) and Umberto Lenzi displays his usual cinematic ability with swift and precise camera movements and editing. There are good killing scenes, particularly one in a funhouse.I guess you won't be able to find out who the killer is. Anyway the story does make sense but is of secondary importance for those who want to enjoy the film."Gatti Rossi in un labirinto di vetro" (Eyeball) could be defined as a summer movie for grown-ups. It has it all – it's violent, sexy, funny, colourful and it has a cool soundtrack. So just let your critical brain at the door and enter this giallo funhouse. You may enjoy the ride.
The_Void All I wanted from this film was a fun Giallo, and that's pretty much what I got. Despite the fact that he's directed a lot of rubbish, I'm actually quite a big fan of Umberto Lenzi, and Seven Bloodstained Orchids in particular shows that he certainly knows his way around a Giallo. This film doesn't come close to that one in terms of quality, and even by Giallo standards; Eyeball is rather silly. It's obvious that Lenzi didn't care too much about making the plot coherent, as barely any attempt is made build characters, and the dialogue between the members of the coach party at the centre of the film is as redundant as the ineffective police investigation. The plot sees a coach full of tourists, which includes adulterers, lesbians and a priest, parading around Spain. They're not the only ones on tour, however, as a blade wielding psychopath is following them round and slicing out certain members' eyeballs before brutally knifing them to death. The police are baffled, and the coach party is sure that the killer isn't one of their number...The main reason why this film doesn't carry much weight in terms of credibility is because the murders aren't taken seriously by anyone in the film. The police concern themselves with minor details, while the coach party continue their holiday and don't spare much of a thought for the murderer's victims! There is some attempt to build a story up amongst the passengers, which includes a lesbian relationship and a man on holiday with his mistress; but none of it really convinces - a fact that isn't helped by the poor dubbing and overplayed soundtrack courtesy of the usually competent Bruno Nicolai. All that being said, this film somehow works because it doesn't take itself seriously, and comfortably fits into the 'fun' side of the Giallo sub-genre. The plot is a bit too wayward, but Lenzi keeps it together by throwing in another nasty murder sequence every time the film looks like it's about to get boring. It all boils down to a suitably silly conclusion, but again it somehow works and makes a lot more sense than the Giallo is famous for making. Overall, I don't recommend going into this film with high hopes; but if you liked Strip Nude for Your Killer and The New York Ripper, Eyeball should suffice.
SlasherReviewer This is one awesome slasher flick that pre dates most slasher films. One of Umberto Lenzi's movies and it is a "giallo" and very enjoyable. Gore galore with mean looking brutal knife attacks!!!Gouging out eyeball's is his profession. Anyone that says this movie isn't good is not a slasher or a horror fan because this is everything us horror junkies want to see. I have this on VHS and don't think it's on DVD yet but someone like Anchor Bay or Blue Underground need to jump on this before someone else does. Just remember kiddies that this was way before Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees and this is where it all started. Slasher Reviewer says this is a must see and on his Top 20 Slasher List for sure. 5 Stars!!!!!