Evil Clutch
Evil Clutch
| 08 January 1988 (USA)
Evil Clutch Trailers

The story of a hideous monster who takes the form of a beautiful, seductive woman who in a torrent of special effects, beauty and monster transform into a climax of pure evil. For years this monster woman has cursed a small village, and to this day her deadly grasps holds the peaceful residents in fear. This ferocious, feminine fury possesses a shocking sensual appetite and she can only satisfy her lust when passion consumes her, by striking where a man is most vulnerable.... and the results are deadly!

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Aspen Orson There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
udar55 A vacationing couple (Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni and Diego Ribon) head up into the Alps and end up running into a lady who begs them for help from some attacker. They drive her to a small village, she runs away, they meet a local crazy with a voicebox who warns of witches, they go camping, run into the woman again and get attacked by her. Oh, and this femme fatale has a large claw that extends from her groin and tries to kill people. This Italian film is heavily influenced by THE EVIL DEAD, but you can see director Andreas Marfori just doesn't have the talent to pull it off. It is like he watched Raimi's film with no translation. It is a shame as the film has many things going for it (nice camera work, great locations, tons of gore), but Marfori just can't get it to gel thanks to his incredibly wonky staging. He also overdoses on the use of the steadicam. The final scene with Coralina walking away from the carnage while followed by the steadicam goes on so long that it becomes a joke. Just when you get tired of it, the director then cuts to her continuing to walk with the camera in front of her for another minute or so. Jeez, such a shame.
Bruno Fleischmann This was a disappointment. After reading something like "the most extreme excursion into horror in Troma's history" on Troma's website, I was fooled into thinking this would be a strong Italian gore flick. I have expected lack of plot but also the promised gore. What I got was one castration that wasn't overly graphic neither impressive, guy named Tony being repeatedly mutilated by a zombie, Tony's unconvincing rubber head and the final demise of demons via chainsaw and sunlight. There is not as much gore as the promotion promises and Evil Clutch can't be compared to blood soaked splatterfests by Andreas Schnaas. The impact of the violence on display is somewhat weakened by ridiculous reactions of actors, especially the guy who plays Tony, but I don't want to complain about acting in low budget Italian horror movie. The thing that annoyed me was the lack of characters, there are only five people in the whole movie. This leads to overlong scenes of two tourists being chased and tormented by three demons. All characters have very little to do in the second half of the movie. If there were more possible victims of demons popping up just to be massacred, the actor playing bald headed zombie wouldn't have to kill Tony in such ridiculous fashion-first crushing his hands with a stone, then letting him go, later ripping his head off and carrying it around in endless shots that allow viewers to see how fake that artificial head is. It is sad that the makers didn't use their equipment and props more effectively.
drhackenstine I'm tired of reading reviews by people who constantly wanna compare this film to other films, and then say this is a step down. Yes, we all have seen The Evil Dead, and if we have seen this trash gore job, we know it's an Evil Dead rip-off. Basically, all low-budget horror films are rip-offs of other better horror films. Sorry. Anyway, Evil Clutch was just re-released on one of those Toxie's Triple Terror DVD sets and I watched it the other night. I saw this before about a decade ago on Cinemax when Cinemax had Troma Sunday Nights, or something like that.This is basic low-budget horror made to appeal to the gore fans. The story is kind of hard to follow and the first half is very boring, filled with long, pandering shots of the location it was filmed on, and endless babble between the oh-so-boring lead couple. The second half is relentless with the gore and violence, it's mean-spirited, nightmarish, ugly, and has people running around screaming, squirting blood, chopping limbs, and acting in a chaotic manner. I enjoyed this film for the fact that all it wanted to get across in the second half is violence and hysteria. The story never adds up but it's an okay view for the gore or '80's horror fan. I must agree with that one guy one here who said it had to have been shot by two directors. Features severed hands, chopped off heads and a scary vagina. Two and a half stars.
EyeAskance This Eurotrash film has a pretty potent opening scene wherein a furry arm with razor-sharp claws protrudes from a woman's vagina to emasculate her lover after they have sex.From this point forward, the film becomes an ambling, anything-goes free-form scribble...perhaps the story is horribly underdeveloped, or maybe the editing is atrocious, or possibly the copy I acquired is cut to ribbons...it's hard to say. For all it's worth, it vaguely appears that a young vacationing couple has had the misfortune of encountering a witch/succubus of some type. After numerous macabre events unfold, they end up in a supernatural quandary strikingly similar to the one presented in THE EVIL DEAD. My use of "similar", it should be noted, is in direct reference to specific situational issues and their stylistic execution, but certainly not pertinent to quality. This film is strictly amateur-hour stuff, but it's definitely lightly peppered with moments of murky atmosphere, and it serves up a heaping helping of pretty sickening gore. EVIL CLUTCH is not a good film, but it does encompass a peculiar surrealism...certain viewers may actually appreciate the undisciplined tangle of creepy images, and the fact that they are defiantly inadherent to any button-down structural format.4/10