Everyone Else
Everyone Else
| 09 April 2010 (USA)
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While on a Mediterranean vacation, a seemingly happy boyfriend and girlfriend find their connection to one another tested as they bond with another couple.

Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
jotix100 A young couple is visiting the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Chris, an architect, and Gitti, who handles pop musical groups are staying at his parent's villa high above the town and the beaches. They are left alone, when some other guests depart. Chris and Gitti are in a relationship that for all signs we get, are new at living together.As they explore their sexuality, one gets the impression not everything is what it should be. Perhaps with time, they will achieve some degree of togetherness. Chris has been in touch with someone in the island that wants to use his skills to remodel a home. Gitti finds herself alone most of the time, as Chris meets his prospective client.Spotting a couple Chris knows, one day at a supermarket, changes their lonely existence. Hans is also an architect and his companion, Sana, is a fashion designer. Chris is reluctant to mingle with them, but he cannot avoid them. Meeting for dinner does not end in a happy note as Hans, clearly drunk, throws Sana into the pool. Chris does the same thing to Gitti, who did not appreciate the gesture.With time in her hands, Gitti examines her relationship. Not everything is the way she hoped it would be. Even the times when they are having sex does not make her feel any different. When she decides she has to go back, Chris realizes he has to do something. Finding her on the floor, unresponsive, scares him because he really has come around to realize he really cares for her.Maren Ade's "Everyone Else" is a character study between two people that should be in love, but as we get to know Gitti and Chris better, we realize not everything is there. While Gitti is spontaneous and fun, Chris is reserved, perhaps not as open as she is. Ms. Ade follows the pair as they go through different changes before they realize the how deep is their commitment. What the film cries for is perhaps some editing. A tighter film perhaps would have made the film more accessible to audiences. It is obvious this film was not intended for a large audience and viewers without an idea about what it is about will be bored to death because there is no action to speak of. Ms. Ade takes a look at this complex couple and she is serious about what she wanted to tell.Birgit Minichmayr and Lars Eidinger make an impact as the couple being studied in the film. Ms. Minichmayr fares best as Gitti; she is a natural and she has a way to convey what she is feeling any moment she is in front of the camera. Mr. Eidinger is also good, but it takes a while to warm to him.The film is devoid of music. The only exception comes in the way of a stereo being turned on by one the characters. Bernard Keller photographs the intimate setting of the villa, as well as some rough mountainous area of Sardinia.
vitaleralphlouis You'll need an attention span greater than 4 seconds to enjoy this movie. The entire story focuses on a young unmarried German couple on a business/vacation in Sardinia, interacting with a very few other people. They talk to each other, paw each other, consider the other person's flaws and assets; magnetically in love and pondering the long term. It would serve no purpose adding many details, except.....Gitti is showing lots of leg in the opening shots and --- not to give away the plot, but --- the legs remain in view for 110 minutes of this 119 minute movie.The sex theme is entirely hetro-sexual -- a refreshing change in 2010 and why we chose this one over "Sex and the City 2." Also good was the exciting and wonderful man-above scene, normally maligned in movies in preference to the preferred slamming the girl against a wall method.A good 6/10 movie but no reason why this picture ought to have received any awards or undue praise. The 3rd German movie we've seen in 2010, the other two (Woman of Berlin, North Face) were better.
tomvonloguenewth this is a most remarkable film. not a great one, perhaps, but an exceptionally finely-judged dissection of a relationship that almost outdoes scenes from a marriage. it's pretty low-key, but every single scene has at least one point of tension, ranging from tiny to quite small, in the relationship between the protagonists, and some a few between the supporting couple thrown in for good measure. the cumulative effect is extremely affecting. achieved through excellence of writing and acting, it's not obscurely subtle and did lead me to wonder if a couple of the other commencer's had actually had a relationship with anyone at all not to be at least partially engaged. it's not for me to speculate here. i would add also, in light of other comments that i found the gender focus to be fairly balanced, which i gather was a concern during production. chris is given a far greater inner life than gitti, and if she is a borderline psych case then so are many other girls who simply want some attention from a slightly hidebound, professionally insecure intellectual whose lone thoughts tend to his self rather than theirs. i only wish there had been more on what attracted the couple to one another in the first place, to make more specific sense of the breakdown, and would have appreciated the relationship's decline being a little less inexorable. but acting and writing are impeccable, and direction very well-paced (including the "nothing happens" bits which are far less frequent than other comments would suggest) and so unflashy that it is probably far better than i appreciated on a single viewing. exceptionally well-observed in detail and not cheerful viewing, and perhaps a little too bleak; the ending hints at happiness - and the lack of resolution is a bit annoying, but appreciated for sparing the who's-afraid-of-virginia-woolf territory that would undoubtedly follow - but it's an exceptionally instructive lesson in how not to take care of the details in a relationship.
jross77 A really dull film about really dull people. It just goes on and on.And the most urgent thought running through my head throughout: With all that dusk and evening activity, or inactivity, outside and by open windows - why do they never get bitten by insects???2 hours! I ask you.I gave it more than one star because it had opening credits, then pictures with actors and then closing credits, so was actually a film.I saw the still with the bloodied shirt beforehand, and got slightly excited when the shirt made its first appearance in the film, hoping for some action at last. The resulting sub plot about the bandage was, however, more mind-numbing dullness that sapped my will to live. Another film I wished I had left halfway through.