Event 16
Event 16
| 26 July 2006 (USA)
Event 16 Trailers

A young inventor, Matt, is on a breakthrough creation in his garage workshop, but is about to lose his girlfriend due to his obsession, when a man walks into the workshop through a wall that his invention created. Soon police, undercover agents and murderers are all hunting for Matt and his girlfriend in a race not only against, but through, time.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
bazza101-1 This would have to be the worst movies that I have seen for about 10 yrs. The acting was sooooo bad and flatter then a pan-cake. Special effects where very basic and of primary school standard. Some of the plot line was good though and I feel that if it was given to a professional film maker and script writer and established actors, the movie would have been way much better. Really dont' bother watching this crap.
edhahn B videos can be so annoying to watch. A pretty good idea ruined by some set of fools who want to add revolting sexual scenes, either to try to get an audience or satisfy their own disordered desires. This is such a a piece of trash. If there was censorship, this would not be here to be reviewed. Every form of the popular gender-identity disorders is in this, smeared together with a potentially interesting time-travel video, ruining it. I gave it one star, because the site doesn't have negative stars. Making a video like this should carry a mandatory life sentence, with mandatory psychiatric interventions. Researchers should be exempt from using ethical standards when trying to fathom the pitiful, perverted a$$holes who made this.
daveofgray We were having a "best of" and "worst of" New Zealand movie month in our flat. Saw a lot of interesting films but "Event 16" is one that stood out to me. Lumped in with the "bad" NZ films it really didn't belong there with stinkers like "Snakeskin" and "Maiden Voyage." Sure the acting was patchy and the script lost me a few times but I found myself enjoying the ride. It reminded me of the kid/adult made for TV movies of my youth. Like "The Tomorrow People" but with time travel. Hammy acting and mad effects. What did surprise me was to read here that it was a no budget film as it looked quite good on our TV. So maybe not a brilliant film but not as bad as the rating here implies.
bigdave11 I've never given such a low rating for a movie before as I always try to be positive in my reviews, but having just watched 'Event 16' on DVD I'm astonished that anything as bad as this was ever released at all. The plot summary sounded promising- a time travelling serial killer (echoes of Nicholas Meyer's excellent 'Time After Time' which the plot steals from) .The FX are quite reasonable for an obviously low-budget movie, but that's as far as the plus points go. The acting is completely one dimensional and the bad guys behave like second rate pantomime villains just waiting for an audience of children to boo them.The dialogue is cringingly dire and even the actors look embarrassed at some of the truly awful dialogue they are asked to speak.Product placement was the most obvious of any movie I've ever seen. You didn't need to read the credits to know that Misubishi was the main sponsor. The camera zoomed in on the company logo in almost the first frame and all the vehicles driven by the the main characters were of course all Mitsubishi!This was the first time I had had seen a movie made and produced in New Zealand. I hope there's better to come!