Eugenie de Sade
Eugenie de Sade
| 05 April 1973 (USA)
Eugenie de Sade Trailers

Eugenie, a beautiful but shy young girl, lives with her stepfather, a famous writer specializing in stories of erotica. One day she happens to read one of his "erotic" books and its power so affects her that begins to find herself sexually attracted to her stepfather. He notices this, and eventually brings her into his dark world of sexual perversion and murder.

Wordiezett So much average
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Michael_Elliott Eugenie De Sade (1970) **** (out of 4) One of Jess Franco's best has Soledad Miranda playing the naive Eugenie, a young girl who one day discovers a sexual book that has been hidden by her stepfather Albert (Paul Muller). Soon the two begin a series of murders just for the sake of being able to get away with it and their weird connection eventually leads to a sexual relationship.Based on the work of Marquis de Sade, this film here is without question one of the director's best and there's no doubt that it's the best film that he and Soledad worked together on. While VAMPYROS LESBOS and SHE KILLED IN ECSTACY are much more popular and known films, this weird sexual drama manages so many things and contains such great performances that it's hard to think of the director and star being able to do anything else better. There are certainly some flaws to be found in regards to the plot but the overall weirdness created by Franco is just something rather unique and special in its own way.The film certainly works so well because of the two lead actors. Miranda was always good when she worked with Franco but this here is without question her greatest performance. Her character goes through quite a few awakenings here and I thought the actress perfectly captured all of them. Just look at the opening shot of her when we just see her sitting in a chair. Just the look in her eyes tells us everything we need to know. Whenever it comes time to seduce her father and other victims, the actress pulls this off without a problem. She even has some comic moments here including a striptease sequence. As great as Miranda is, the attention often makes one overlook how great Muller is as well. I really thought he managed to pull off this role and the snake quality he brings really helps the film. This is especially true because you believe that you're watching such a sick person who would plan not only these murders but the seduction of his stepdaughter and another crime that I won't ruin for those who haven't seen the film.Franco's direction is also among the best of his career as he makes the film flow very smoothly. He takes the film from one weird sequence into another and manages to make you like both of these characters no matter how strange and diabolical they are. Another major bonus is the terrific score by Bruno Nicolai, which perfectly captures the innocence of the girl at the start of the film and the weird sexuality she begins to go through. EUGENIE DE SADE features a director at the top of his game, an actress at her very best and a score that just perfectly brings everything together.
monkeyboogie182 Third Jess Franco film I saw after Bloody Moon and Vampyros Lesbos. After seeing Soledad Miranda in Vampyros Lesbos, I was keen to see more of her films, and I wasn't disappointed, she really carried the film with her great screen presence. Very interesting story and great direction from Franco and interesting surreal visuals especially with the first murder, loved Soledad's red gear. A lot of nudity and sex but Soledad looks great. So all of you who love Soledad Miranda or Jess Franco this film is a must. I saw a lot of links to films such as Peeping Tomand the work of Hitchcock however this took it a lot further, which was great to see.
MARIO GAUCI This week-end I have watched another Jess Franco movie, my fifth so far: EUGENIE DE SADE (1970), or as the on-screen title would have it, simply, EUGENIE (by way of the recently released R2 DVD from Oracle Entertainment).Unfortunately, I was rather disappointed by the film itself, especially in view of its reputation as possibly Franco's best. I liked certain aspects of it, surely, but on the whole I felt that it was somewhat overrated. For starters, there are numerous plot-holes which are just too blatant to be left without comment:1. If Albert and Eugenie decided to start filming their murders just prior to meeting Paul (which eventually was to bring about their downfall), where did the footage which Franco's Tanner is watching at the beginning of the film come from?!2. If Albert's intention was always to 'pervert' Eugenie (because as he tells her he had killed her mother for just this purpose), it is hardly plausible that he would have waited this long before attempting anything!3. If Tanner knows just what Albert and Eugenie are up to, why does he need to pester Eugenie on her death-bed in order to discover what makes them 'tick'?4. In her narration, Eugenie refers to Tanner by name (as if he weren't there) rather than address him directly; also, since Albert never had a chance to tell her he killed Paul, let alone how he did it, how come she knows about it?I noticed other stuff that didn't quite come off:· The entire hitch-hiker scene went on 'bloody forever' (as Brian Lindsey had described another scene from the film on the 'Eccentric Cinema' website)· Soledad's strip-tease is more (unintentionally) comical than erotic (though she does otherwise strike a perfect balance between innocence and deadly allure)· The Albert/Eugenie relationship, complete with gratuitous sex scenes, is unconvincing to say the least (Paul Muller is quite good, but miscast, here)!· During Albert's attack on Eugenie, the scene displays a very discreet use of gore for what he is supposed to be doing to her (cut her open with a pair of scissors)!Another aspect I was let down by was the extreme realism of the settings: of course, this may very well be what the subject called for but, to me, when compared to the sunny/tropical settings of EUGENIE…THE STORY OF HER JOURNEY INTO PERVERSION (1969) and A VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD (1971) – to say nothing of the atmospheric 'noirish' ambiance of THE DIABOLICAL DOCTOR Z (1965) – both the autumnal Parisian backdrop of the first half and the scenes which takes place in a 'mod' (i.e. dated) Berlin seemed too mundane and failed to draw me into the proceedings as much as I would have liked! As for Bruno Nicolai's score (which some consider to be his finest work!), I did not find it to be especially memorable and, indeed, repeated the same motifs over and over.Still, I have to say something about the quality of the DVD itself, because this had a definite bearing on my rather negative reaction to the film. First of all, the English subtitles flashed by very rapidly (causing me to miss some of the dialogue) but, worse than this, too often these did not even match what was being said in French (I can understand the language but I still prefer to watch it accompanied with subtitles)! Besides, in a couple of spots, subtitles appeared on the screen when none of the characters was actually speaking! By the way, does anyone know whether French was this film's original language (could it possibly have been German?); much as the English dubbing was horrid, I did not feel that the dialogue sounded very natural in French either. As was the case with A VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD, the theatrical trailer included on the disc featured a number of alternate takes – not to mention that ultra-catchy riff from EUGENIE…THE STORY OF HER JOURNEY INTO PERVERSION!I have resisted doing a proper review for this film, as I would like to watch it again before committing myself to pass judgment on it. Suffice to say that, for now, I consider EUGENIE…THE STORY OF HER JOURNEY INTO PERVERSION a much better film (perhaps the best Franco I've seen so far), and even A VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD (by any stretch a less 'coherent' film than EUGENIE DE SADE) was more readily enjoyable. To tell you the truth, my disappointment over EUGENIE DE SADE has practically brought my Franco experience to an indefinite halt. I almost cancelled the orders I made for both EXORCISM (1974) and JACK THE RIPPER (1976) and have postponed my purchase of the R2 DVD editions of VAMPYROS LESBOS (1970) and SHE KILLED IN ECSTASY (1970). Actually, in a few days I should be getting VHS dubs of 4 (!) new Francos - SUCCUBUS (1967), VENUS IN FURS (1968), LES POSSEDEES DU DIABLE (1974; aka: LORNA THE EXORCIST) and THE SADIST OF NOTRE DAME (1979)! Hopefully, when I watch these films my initial 'admiration' for the work of Jess Franco will be re-awakened
Macabro The first Jesus Franco movie that I saw was Vampyros Lesbos. I liked it very much... it was different, strange and almost hypnotic. I must admit that I liked his style, but the main reason that I continued watching his movies was that in several of his movies he casted Soledad Miranda; a gorgeous Spanish actress that lived in the 70's and that played lead roles in some of his movies. Her screen presence was so powerful, mysterious and unlike any other Hollywood actress today.Anyways, Eugenie is a story of sex, crime, love and devotion. Miranda plays Eugenie, a quiet young girl that lives with her stepfather in Europe. The stepfather is a famous writer with a secret and perverse dark personality. As the movie develops, Eugenie gets involved with her stepfather in his second personality becoming devoted to his malevolent desires.The score of the movie blends perfectly with the atmosphere and the characters. The camera work in some scenes is unique and experimental. The movie might seem absurd to many viewers because not everyone is ready for a movie of this class. Overall the movie is good in the style of Jess Franco. Anyone wanting to experience a Franco movie should definitely start with Vampyros Lesbos, as it stands unquestionably as his masterpieces.
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