Escape Me Never
Escape Me Never
NR | 07 November 1947 (USA)
Escape Me Never Trailers

A penniless composer marries a young widow with a baby—even though he is in love with his brother's fiancée.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
edwagreen The film gets going awfully late and that's only when Ida Lupino is able to pour it on in her usual excitable way.Through an error the Eleanor Parker-Gig Young relationship is curtailed when Eleanor falls for brother Errol Flynn. Both men in the field of music are quite different from each other. Flynn, hoping to compose an opera, takes in Ida Lupino with a young baby. With the right brakes thanks to Parker, it appears that Flynn, who has now wed the Lupino character, will get his opera made. The falling apart of that project brings everyone to a downward spiral. Flynn leaves Lupino for Parker and tragedy comes to the Lupino infant.Of course, Flynn eventually realizes that Parker is not the woman for him as the film ends.It is only Lupino's performance that saves this somewhat. Flynn is terribly miscast and Eleanor Parker, again proves how selfish she could be in motion pictures. Young is rather benign in his part of Parker's suitor.
blanche-2 Ida Lupino is in love with Errol Flynn but Errol loves his brother's fiancé in "Escape Me Never," a 1947 film from Warner Brothers. Flynn and Gig Young play brother composers Sebastian and Caryl Dubrok. Lupino plays Gemma, a poor young woman with a baby she calls Piccolo. She's in love with Flynn, and tells the beautiful, well-bred Fionella (Eleanor Parker), Caryl's fiancé, that she's going to marry the composer Dubrok. Parker thinks it's Caryl and takes off. Carly, Gemma, Piccolo, and Sebastian set off to find her, singing and playing instruments for money as they go. Once they find Fionella, she falls for Flynn and vice versa.This movie is a remake of a film starring Elizabeth Bergner, and I have no idea why Warners chose it. The performances are good, with Flynn very handsome and charming, though signs of seediness were beginning to show. He plays a self-involved playboy with no practicality very well. Young has a somewhat thankless role as the less flashy brother. Lupino gives a sympathetic portrayal, though she's slightly miscast. The character is feisty but also more of an ingénue than Lupino, whose strong appearance and voice made her a leading lady almost out of the box. Unfortunately because she was at Warners, she had to take a back seat to Bette Davis much of the time. She had more in her than this role requires. Parker is excellent as a cool but lovely socialite.There's some great music by Wolfgang Korngold of Sebastian's opera "Primavera," and some nice dancing. All in all, it's a small film that used sets rather than location. Not a great entry but some lovely moments from the stars.
kyle_furr Of all the reviews i've read i thought it was going to suck. It was one of errol flynn's better films after his career had started to go down. He didn't make that many more good ones after this one. He made some bad choices with adventures of don juan and istanbul .
kenandraf For big fans of Errol and big fans of period romance musical comedy/drama combo,this movie will deliver the goods.The story hits the spot for the genre.Very good music,very good cast and acting as well.What kpt this movie from becoming a classic though was the low budget and average directing.The cinematography was also below average.But still,Errol Flynn is so charming here as usual and for the right audience,it's still a winner.This film was unfairly under rated due to the dreaded anti-Flynn syndrome bandwagon......