End of the Line
End of the Line
R | 14 October 2007 (USA)
End of the Line Trailers

Karen, a young psychiatric nurse, boards the last subway train of the night only to have it stop in the middle of the tunnel. Suddenly, her nightmare begins: a mysterious cult has decided that it's the end of the world and the only way to save the souls of the living is to kill them in cold blood. As those around her are brutally murdered, Karen and a handful of survivors must face the homicidal cult, supernatural forces and their own fears of Armageddon in order to survive.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Johan Louwet Well I have seen that there has been debate whether the demons were hallucinations or not caused by eating muffins. That's maybe a really intelligent idea however the execution of this all was below par. Mixture of slasher and psychological stuff I don't find it a good combination. The motivations of these religious zealots for killing people in order to save them remain pretty much in the dark for me, character development and story were pretty poor to me. At least give me something to care a bit more for them. Atmosphere, tension and setting were pretty good. I liked how the victims worked well together at least initially. I enjoyed it as a one time view but the ending well yeah I didn't make much of that.
Scott LeBrun There's just a lot that's inherently spooky about subway tunnels, isn't there? Writer / producer / director Maurice Devereaux certainly realizes this, in this above average modern horror film that gets a lot of mileage out of its very atmospheric settings. In this day and age, any horror film that can creep out a longtime fan of the genre like this viewer is definitely doing its job. Intended by Devereaux as a criticism of religious fanaticism, he actually leaves just enough things in his production ambiguous, and they should get people talking. He scatters some clues about that give one an indication of his own perception of the events that unfold, and leaves such things as the ending open to interpretation.His story gathers together a group of strangers who begin to be preyed upon by a religious group dubbed the Voices of Hope. It seems as if the apocalypse is under way, and now these good folk are determined to "save" other people - by murdering them. The scenario becomes a grim struggle for survival, even as things look more and more bleak as the tale progresses. Among this small group is Karen (Ilona Elkin), a nurse whose bad day is going to turn into a worse night.Devereaux never completely turns his antagonists into cartoon villains, instead treating them as basically human. (There *are* some doubters in the group, after all.) One notable exception is the salacious Patrick, played for maximum disgusting creepiness by Robin Wilcock. You eagerly anticipate the comeuppance of this character. It's true enough that we never get to know our protagonists all that well, but they still come across as likable enough that we don't look forward to seeing them come to bad ends. The pretty Elkin is particularly appealing in the lead. In fact, a lot of the acting in "End of the Line" is better than one might expect to see in this sort of low budget effort.Financed by Devereaux himself (estimated budget at about $200,000 Canadian), this boasts a sufficient amount of splatter to be able to satisfy the gore lovers in the horror film audience. Other visual effects are quite well done, with a lot of the digital stuff done subtly. We do get to see some pretty disturbing visuals and some rather hideous demons. The budget prevents Devereaux from realizing very much of a true apocalyptic vision, but we are shown enough to get the point. He throws in homages to everything from J-horror to Italian horror to "The Shining".This is the kind of thing I'd recommend to horror lovers who are distrustful of most films in the genre being made these days.Eight out of 10.
mark_slater Bought the DVD as was looking for some decent modern horror, and decided to check out audience awards as an indicator. This I believe won the audience award at the 'Dead By Dawn' festival, plus I also like films based around subways (Deathline anyone?).And this was not a disappointment. I'm just so impressed with its balance of tension, action, horror and sheer intelligence. It at no point patronises its audience - realistic and genuinely terrifying in its premise (and so believable - yes, just because it has pictures of demons on the cover, this isn't fantasy horror, its message is deadly serious).It has a 'make your mind up' ending that whilst superficially ambiguous, really isn't if you've been paying attention.The 'making of' featurette on the DVD depicts a director who has a strong clarity of vision, and is very dedicated to what he's creating (as well as seeming like a very decent human being).Hollywood needs to stop p*ssing money up the wall with derivative disposable nonsense and remakes, and start nurturing genuine talent and financing the likes of Monsieur Devereaux to make more intelligent fayre. I'm not advocating big budgets simply be handed to independent film makers (as that rarely goes well) - a lean budget generally creates innovation my necessity. But consider that we could potentially have 100 'End Of The Lines' for one 'Piranha' (a film the World really could have done without). Similarly we could have had 60 of Duncan Jones' Moon for the price of one Avatar. Mark
fedor8 The End of the Cocaine Line that this film's crew shared must have been endless. The film itself felt that way too. (The following is not so much a review as it is a Public Service Announcement. Don't worry about the spoilers: you will not watch this baloney anyway.) Horror fans everywhere, if you wish to salvage whatever little there might be left of your dignity, then avoid this 101 Subway Killers rubbish at all cost. Show some self-respect, frcrissakes, i.e. don't end up like the unconvincing quasi-zombies in EOTL - or their counterparts: the sad creatures who wrote lofty reviews about this mega-turd. I suspect those people must belong to some sort of B-movie cult... Have you prepared your pills? Their own little Armageddon is probably triggered by the release of "EOTL: Part 2".Already during the first couple of minutes, I could sense that pungent stench that leaks out of botched, messy scripts, that odor that reeks of moronic dialogue, dirt-dumb "plot-twists" and practically non-existent characterization. Almost nothing anyone says or does here has an iota of logic, consistency or intelligence.The asinine director promises us demons at the outset, but gives us unconvincing religious fanatics instead, played by rank amateurs who probably mistook this for a horror comedy. When the demons finally make their first appearance - in the last scene - we find out that they're merely greenish Gollums in jump-suits. And what horrible, nightmarish things do they do to their helpless human victims? Well, they wave their arms around like a bunch of desperate, unemployed mimes. Pretty harmless, really. So the Armageddon basically just consists of silly, bald mutants going "boo" in the night?... Nothing to worry about then.Jack Nicholson and the Kubrick estate ought to sue these dilettantes: scenes shamelessly ripped off from "The Shining" abound. The most obvious example is the granny telling the survivors to open the door. The other non-shiny "Shining" moments are offered to us by the desperately unfunny blond killer/rapist. It was an embarrassment to watch. I don't just want my money back, I want at least half of EOTL's reels shoved down the director's alcoholic throat.So... this little sect numbers in the millions, huh... And yet somehow they manage to hide their all-encompassing plans of murder and mayhem from everyone else. Interesting. I never realized that mass-conspiracies could be that easy. Child's play, really.Some of the dumbest, most irrational horror-film survivors infest this garbage. A loon attacks one of them with a knife, yet as soon as the guy starts defending himself, the others stop him - and then proceed to check on the attacker's health! (This was not meant to be funny, believe it or not.) Just one of countless moments of unbridled idiocy.How did the black guy know about the beepers? Just because we (the poor viewers) knew about them doesn't mean that every single character can know what WE know. Duh... Script-writing right out of the kindergarten.You WILL make your fast-forward button bleed.
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