Emanuelle in America
Emanuelle in America
NR | 05 January 1977 (USA)
Emanuelle in America Trailers

In search of a good story, globe-trotting photojournalist Emanuelle meets up with an ex-prizefighter who tips her off about a rich pervert who recruits girls for his own private harem based on their astrological signs.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
TheExpatriate700 Emanuelle in America is a bizarre mishmash of a movie, starting out as soft core with some hardcore inserts, but then shifting into a rather grim exploitation film, and then going back to soft core.The film follows the exploits of Emanuelle (no, not that Emmanuelle) as she pursues a career as a reporter. She appears to be working for your typical tabloid, though most of the photos she takes would fit in better at Hustler. Among the stories she pursues are a wealthy man's harem and a scandalous resort catering to the filthy rich.Up to this point, we are in pretty basic soft core territory, with all the usual scenes of lesbianism one expects from the genre. There are the occasional hardcore inserts to spice things up, but nothing you haven't seen before.Then, things get weird.It starts with a stable scene about twenty minutes in. As Emanuelle and a group of friends watch through the window, a woman performs a sexual act on a horse. This is not simulated bestiality. Somewhere or other the director found an actress willing to molest a horse.It starts to get truly freaky when Emanuelle stumbles upon a snuff film ring. At first, we only see very grainy 'snuff' footage. However, in the film's climax, we are treated to the filming of a snuff picture from the perspective of a woman under the influence of LSD. This distorted view only makes the footage more disturbing.What makes the film particularly odd is that it shifts back and forth between playful soft core and disturbing exploitation. For example, the aforementioned snuff scene is followed by a tropical island frolic. The change in tone is jarring, to say the least.The film does benefit from good production values. There is some very nice camera work, and it has a cool 70s rock soundtrack. However, the bizarre plot line makes it an odd, if memorable, film experience.
Benito Fazzolari This is the best in the Emanuelle series. Laura Gemser is perfection in this film. Some are taken a back by the horse scene, but it's not as bad as described. In fact, the Caligula movie by D'amato is much more perverse. Regardless, this is a must see in the sexploitation genre. It does have a nice bit of social commentary about the treatment of women, so if you're smart enough and have read enough Judith Butler, there's a chance you can interpret this film beyond the sleaze element. Awesome film. Watch it! Plus the soundtrack is amazing. Nico Fidenco is at his best to say the least. If you're a fan of Jess Franco you will enjoy this movie. On the other hand it is not recommended for a first date with a prudish girl.
Justin Kelly This really seems like the directors had a bunch of ideas and then tried to work a story around it, and then after scripting and shooting the first half, they took an entirely different direction for the second. After about an hour of boring Cinemax style soft core porn with one out of left field bestiality scene, I was beginning to get bored. Then all of the sudden, the movie goes hardcore. It is quite strange because it seems all previous scenes went out of their way to keep the sex strictly Cinemax and then get as graphic as your average pornography. Ten minutes after that the movie takes another strange turn and edges ever so lightly into the world of snuff. It takes a lot to disturb me, but the images used in this part of the movie put even Ilsa to shame. All of that is well and good for this renowned exploitation film, even with the strange contrast of the light opening half with the decidedly heavy second, HOWEVER we run into a huge problem with the story. The acting is passable for this type of flick, I didn't expect Oscar nomination worthy performances. The story, if you want to call it that, was definitely an afterthought, as Emanuelle is an undercover reporter. Just what her assignment is is never clear, it appears to be some kind of expose on sex clubs, and SPOILER SPOILER in the end is never resolved. As a matter of fact, I don't think any particular storyline here was solved. We are basically watching an excuse to see this one woman sleep with as many people as possible, and other people sleep with each other too. SPOILER END. Overall I can't recommend this movie for exploitation fans. There are movies that manage to squeeze all of this action in with a real plot and a fun time. This movie became a chore to sit through up until the last act, and then the ending blew all the good will that came from it. Stick to your Ilsa and Pam Grier prison flicks for your fill of this type of fare.
The_Void Ah, Italy. Back in the seventies; if a certain type of film was successful, those crazy Italians would make their own version of it. The French Emmanuelle series must have been pretty popular, as it didn't take them long to knock a 'm' out of the title and create their own version. This is my first Emanuelle film (Italian or otherwise), and I'm not in a rush to see any more. If I had to describe this film in one word, I would use the word 'hollow'. There is absolutely no substance, and no point, to Emanuelle in America; not even a backhanded comment on 'sex in the media' or something, and all the film really is, is a series of sex scenes dumped in between sections of irrelevance, which appear to be some attempt at forming a plot. Laura Gemser takes the lead role, as a woman who isn't too fussy when it comes to having sex. Tall, short; fat, thin; man, woman; smoker, non-smoker - ten fingers or twelve - you'd have a chance with this woman. The first scene sets the right tone for the rest of the movie nicely; we see a man about to kill Emanuelle in her own car. This sequence is silly, badly scripted, completely irrelevant and nothing comes of it - just like the rest of the movie.The film plays to its strengths, however; and the fact that Laura Gemser stars in pretty much every scene shows this. I don't profess to be big fan myself, but I understand she has quite a cult following; which has no doubt won this flick most of its fans. As you'd expect, sex sequences are in abundance; which is sure to please most viewers as that'll be what most people are tuning in for. I, however, can't say I'm a massive fan of porn films. The sex here is never overly erotic anyway, and it's really easy to get bored as the plot is so non-existent. Joe D'Amato's name is synonymous with sleaze, and this film shows that nicely. Considering the type of film this is (and the country it was made in), the production values here are surprisingly good! The film is well photographed, while the locations are generally fairly lavish and colourful. The music fits nicely, and the way in which certain sex scenes take place - such as the one in front of an orchestra - show some imagination on the director's part. I can't say I enjoyed this film too much; it has its moments, but one hundred minutes is too long for this sort of thing, and I reckon that unless you're a fan of films where people walk round talking nonsense while they're not screwing each other; this one is best forgotten.
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