Easy Money
Easy Money
R | 19 August 1983 (USA)
Easy Money Trailers

To inherit his mother-in-law's colossal fortune, a hard living gambling addict must change his unhealthy ways before it gets the best of him.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
TinsHeadline Touches You
Lawbolisted Powerful
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
AaronCapenBanner Rodney Dangerfield plays Monty Capuletti, a baby photographer(!) who finds himself under a lot of pressure between his daughter's(Jennifer Jason Leigh) wedding, future in-laws, and meddlesome mother-in-law, who dies, but makes a provision in her will that Monty must reform his bad habits, or inherit none of her fortune. Film then details his efforts at doing so, and the "help" from his pal, played by Joe Pesci.Rodney is a funny, self-mocking comedian, but his character(and film itself) is thoroughly unappealing, and his antics rarely funny. Double-twist ending may come as a surprise, but that doesn't necessarily make it a good thing! Stick with "Caddyshack" instead.
James Bourke I remember owning an old VHS copy of this movie back in the eighties, and if memory serves, I pretty much played the movie ragged.The late great Rodney Dangerfield is the star of the movie without a doubt, his mannerisms, complete with his one liners always had me in stitches.Of course my VHS copy bit the dust, and I was most fortunate to spot that TCM were showing the movie just the other night, and although it had been twenty plus years since I had watched it, I still found myself laughing at the same points in the movie.Ably assisted in the comedy stakes by the likes of Joe Pesci before he found his Cousin Vinny, the whole movie does revolve around the maestro himself.I have to say, that when I was watching the movie, it's charm instantly transported my back to that early eighties, especially considering that Jennifer Jason Leigh was also in the movie playing Monty's nubile daughter.I remember watching her such genre classics as 'The Hitcher' and Paul Verhoeven's 'Flesh And Blood', overall though, the whole cast rocks, the director James Signorelli would go onto direct another little cracker in the shape of 'Elvira Mistress Of The Dark' And what about that ending, when Rodney Dangerfield waxes lyrical about his mother in law 'My Mother in law! For years I wouldn't kiss her face! Now I end up kissing her ass! Without a doubt, 10/10
the_great I rarely watch a movie more than twice, but this one I've watched four times since I bought the DVD. I just want to hear the theme song one more time - and end up watching the whole movie! The story is very good, both funny and thought provoking. There's not a dull moment. Even the scenes with Monty's daughter and Julio, which at first seem a little unnecessary, make sense at the end (SPOILERS!) when Julio accidentally shoots Monty in the a**. If this isn't Rodney Dangerfield's greatest film, I don't know what is. It's the best that I have seen, and I have seen a lot of good ones: Caddyshack, Back to school and Meet Wally Sparks. Little Nicky with Adam Sandler is horrible, avoid it like plague... Speaking of - Joe Pesci as Rodney / Monty's pal Nicky does one of his best comedic performances as well. The scene where he shows Monty how easy it is to control smoking is hilarious.At the risk of sounding a little naive (like Monty's pal Paddy, when he tries to pick up the stripper by asking her to meet his parents), I have to say I was a little disappointed (SPOILERS!) at the lack of moral the end of the story provided. Therefore - 9/10.
bigr4prez Hilarious movie, Rodney was at his best and a young Joe pesci, was just as funny. This movie is about your average blue collar man, and his drinking, racetrack betting, and occasional pot smoking friends. If that is not enough, you still get the hilarity of his mother in law who can't stand him his daughter marrying a man he cant't stand, and a wife that is just trying to keep the peace between the family. If you just want to sit down drink a beer and laugh your ass off, this movie I recommend highly. Along with great one liners and offensive jokes, Rodney and the rest of the cast including a brown nosing Jeffrey Jones, pulls off a hilarious comedy. Even Billy Joel helps out with a great opening song.