Rover Dangerfield
Rover Dangerfield
G | 01 July 1991 (USA)
Rover Dangerfield Trailers

Rover, a street-smart dog owned by a Las Vegas showgirl is dumped off Hoover Dam by the showgirl's boyfriend. Rather than drowning, Rover winds up in your basic idyllic farm in a classic city-boy-in-country shtick.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
ironhorse_iv Everything about this movie is from the mind of Rodney Dangerfield. No, really. Rodney Dangerfield was the Executive Producer, screenwriter, and voice actor for this movie. After watching a lot of Rodney Dangerfield's stand up specials, and funny movies such as Back to School, and Caddy Shack; you would think this movie would be awesome. No it wasn't. It didn't work because the movie was too much of Rodney Dangerfield and rarely focus on anything else. The movie starts out with Rover (Rodney Dangerfield) whom living the good life in Las Vegas with his show girl owner Connie. Connie shows too affection towards Rover. It's creepy and weird. I almost expected a dog and human make out session from how much she loves him. One night, he witness Connie's slim ball boyfriend Rocky in a transaction with a pair of gangsters that goes wrong due to Rover. Looking for blame, he tossed Rover over the Hoover Dam into the Colorado River in a bag. The bag is pulled out by two passing fishermen, and Rover runs away scare. He runs into the farm run by farmer Cal and his son Danny. The little farm boy's voice is the same actress that voice Max in Goofy movie, but she got to my last nerve with her scratchy delivery in this. She sounded like she's been smoking too much or something. The kid's dad has this monotonous voice that's hard to take seriously. The farm is the stereotypical farm that looks nothing like a farm in Nevada or Arizona near Hoover Dam. It's all desert! Its looks like the Midwest. The farm is always attack by wolves, which is also something implausible. Coyotes, maybe, but they don't attack people. It's like the animator didn't bother researching Southwest America. Danny convinces his father to keep him. The father will take him in one condition: Rover must not get in trouble on the farm or he'll be sent to an animal shelter. Rover has difficulty adjusting to life on the farm, but with the help of Daisy, the beautiful dog next door, he succeeds in earning his keep until his past comes looking for him. Rover must choose between the high life, or the farm life. Still, poor Rodney Dangerfield, apparently no one told him that being good at stand up doesn't translate to being good at kid's stories. There are points in the movie that makes you question if this is a kid's movie at all. There are scantily-clad animated Vegas showgirls and dark humor about death. The king of one liners deliver some of the worst puns about life being a dog in every scene to point that it get annoying. Honestly it's kind of difficult to pull off jokes for children. The jokes can't be risqué, refer to pop culture that kids haven't been exposed to yet, involve complex word puns that are beyond their vocabulary, and so on. So I will ease up on Rodney for that. There was too much unnecessary dialogue tends to make some scenes drag. In this case, action does speak louder than words. The movie is tell, little show. Lots of scenes that go nowhere, and music that wasn't too catchy or needed. Why is there a song about pissing on a Christmas tree? What booze was Rodney on at the time when he wrote it? Some people says this is a Christmas movie because there is a Christmas tree song. I say this is as Christmas as Die Hard is. It was only Christmas time in a few scenes by the way. Most of the songs in the film are as bad as his rapping album. No, I'm not making that up, he really had an album of him rapping. This movie has quality animation. Honorable mention goes to the excellent 3D intro. Still, Rover looks like he was drop in the head. The bulging eyes on that dog are just terrifying. It's kind of creepy seeing him, paired up with the cartoon version of Lassie. Plus, Rover doesn't know if he wants to walk on two legs or not. What a distracting character design that might scare little children. Most children only the vaguest notion that the main character was supposed to be a cartoon version of Rodney. I think most children had no clue who he was at the time. The movie focus way too much on him. I wish some of the other barnyard animals besides Daisy and Ruffles would have got more spotlight attention. The dogs at the farm - Duke and Max as well as the eternally-bickering twins Lem and Clem were I all very interesting characters that I wish could have contributed to the story more. Still this movie is harmless. Rodney wanted to try his hand at kid's movies so he did. It didn't work for me, but still a fan of his. RIP Rodney Dangerfield
TheLittleSongbird I am a big fan of animated movies and of animated shows, so I was interested in seeing Rover Dangerfield despite hearing from most people it was bad or mediocre. And mostly, while it is nothing great, I liked it.The film is too short I feel, I personally think the film could have done with an extra 5-8 minutes. The story does have its charms, and the idea really intrigued me, but some scenes are static and move along a little too slowly. Also there are some inconsistencies such as the business with Rocky and Connie about the birthday party that could have been perhaps avoided had the film been longer. The voice acting is mostly good, but I too did not like the farm boy who was annoying and Ned Luke's delivery ranged from just decent to horrid. And some of the characters could have done with more personality, Rover Dangerfield(who had plenty of it), Daisy, Connie and Rocky excepted.Of the voice acting, Rodney Dangerfield definitely steals the show, his voice is very distinctive and the delivery is great, often classic. Of the support cast, Susan Boyd is really quite lovely, likewise with Shawn Southwick, but Sal Landi as Rocky shows the most consistency. The animation mostly is good, with colours that don't look too flat and some of the background art is more than decent. And most of the characters are not too bad to look at either. The music and songs are not timeless classics, nor are they painful. I for one found them memorable and quite nice, especially Never Do it on a Christmas Tree. A vast majority of the time, the script works as well, Dangerfield's asides are funny, witty and perhaps even raunchy at times, even if some of the support characters could have had more to say.In conclusion, not great, not crud. 6/10 Bethany Cox
mathews-rr CONTAINS SPOILERS i watched the movie well most of it its pretty good.i liked the ending where the guy got what he deseved and roover was reunited with dasiy.But there were some unnesisary seces such as did we really have to see roovers clevagege and bellybutton sticking out like a sore thumb all the time?This a good movie but reccomended for older people.
Quikbeam Although the film suffers a bit from slow pacing and doesn't contain the technical magic of a Disney feature, it still retains a surprising sweetness. The story is centered entirely on the famous Dangerfield stage persona; and translating the comedian's raunchy material into an anthropomorphized lovable pooch must have been no small task. Visually, the artists make strong use of colors and shadings to reinforce mood, although many scenes lack zest and are just too static. Story-wise, I rate the film above-average for its warmth and low-key humor. Children these days are only interested in the hyperactive action of Pokemon, but the littlest ones will likely be charmed. "Rover Dangerfield" may look flat when held up to "Dinosaur" but it's certainly got more heart. 7 out of 10.