PG | 18 September 2014 (USA)
Dukhtar Trailers

In the mountains of Pakistan, a mother and her ten-year-old daughter flee their home on the eve of the girl's marriage to a tribal leader. A deadly hunt for them begins.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Othman I heard of this movie in 2014 and it has Thrown a decent trailer back then, As i know Dukhtar (Daughter) has not much publicity at the time. i didn't expect much from from it. So when it came out i haven't Go to theater to see this movie and i didn't heard of this movie from any friend, until i saw in the news paper that this movie gained such selection in several film festival also good ratings and positive reviews. by the time it was long gone from theater. so i waited for it come out on DVD/Blu-ray and finally it has arrived. and when i saw it I just really surprised that they made such movie with magnificent Performance by actors/Actress and an amazing soundtrack with excellent Direction. I mean the shooting angle and screenplay are really impressive. I know Most of the people doesn't know about it or they just simply don't wanna see a Drama movie. This movie is really a good one!
isabeljack I was sitting tight for this motion picture. I believed that this will be the film as Shermeen Oboid Chenoi talks about this. In any case, in all honesty it is disillusioning on all fronts. On top of that it is all the more baffling that it is send as official chosen one in Foundation Honors from Pakistan for Outside motion picture. No plot, bearing as week (one can live with that as it is the first offering from Aafia however it is awful, genuine terrible) and it all has neither rhyme nor reason. Story meanders unexpectedly with defining moments so wayward that towards end it lost all. There is no acting. A genuine misuse of all the huge names in film. Additionally, throwing could have been something more,as Pakistani situation is worst about the women and due to poor governance and lack of education so in this circumstances this movie has brought a revolutionary changes in the people mind in Pakistan and most important and they put a great work on costumes etc which is i think they got from http://www.fashion2015-2016.com you can see their costumes in it and check their simplicity in their work due to their smart work thats why they got hit film in Pakistan
euroGary In the Pakistani mountains, a mother learns her young daughter is to be married to the ageing warlord of another clan. The child is heart-breakingly innocent (seeing her mother's bridal bed-linen, she asks what a spot on it is and listens as her mother explains it is her blood, and her mother's, and her grandmother's...) The mother runs away with the child, and men of both clans - focused on their 'honour' - chase after the pair.The film then enters predictable territory, as mother and daughter receive help from a kindly truck driver, innocent people are killed, and amazingly stupid decisions are made (why, knowing men with guns are hunting for them, would the mother leave her daughter alone? It was *asking* for her to run off after the cute puppy...)So the novelty of this film is its setting: Pakistan, caught between the traditional (child brides) and the modern (warlords communicating by mobile telephone). Lead actress Samiya Mumtaz gives a competent performance; as the truck driver, Mohib Mirza is fine when playing the action hero and in the more light-hearted bits, but struggles when required to convincingly emote. The initial escape is cleverly-staged and the scenery is lovely. I'd watch this again.
Atif Javaid So the Busan International Film Festival 2014 started with a rock. There are so many flicks being played and people are queuing up to buy the left over tickets. When I first started to scroll through the list of the movies that were going to come on at the BIFF I was pretty uninterested in all of them until I saw Dukhtar in the list. I have been hearing a lot of good things about this movie from my friends in Pakistan. I was surprised and mostly excited to find that the movie will be showing at the BIFF. The movie started of great. The cinematography was breath taking. The locations are memorizing and brought back memories of all those places I had visited few years back during my trip to Pakistan. The story was well penned and the characters were well groomed. I felt connected to them and understood their emotions. The story is very true to life and makes you want to sympathize with all the victims. I liked the fact the movie didn't drag for too long and it ended at good point, anything more than that would have been a more obvious cliché. Music of the movie was great. Songs composer Sahir Ali Bagga, has done a brilliant job at composing the songs. I am still humming the tunes after leaving the theater. Background score by Peter Nashel makes the hair at back of your neck stand up, of course in a good way. I am not going to talk about the overall plot of the movie, as most of you know by now what it is about. Overall the movie is a must watch! And why is it a good movie because at the BIFF after the movie ended the whole audience in the theater stood up and applauded. That was brilliant moment and if we were allowed to use cameras in the room I would have recorded that moment. Some Koreans thought it was an Indian movie, and before I could turn around and correct them, one westerner corrected them by saying, "I am sorry, but you are wrong. This movie is from Pakistan." Decide it for yourself. I loved it.