Not even bad in a good way
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Amazing documentary. The previous reviews don't do it any justice. This is a true yet sad story. A Story about the corruption and incompetence of the political leadership of a nation. Our neighboring Mexico. It is indeed sad. While this show doesn't show el-Chapo on camera, the filmmakers are able to interview his mother and his close associates. One can also see him in a different light, and perhaps even understand a little how important of a role he plays to so many Mexicans. Especially in the Sinaloa region. The government has failed their people in so many ways...and here comes this drug lord, who only sells narcotics and hard drugs to other countries and never to his own people (at east they convinced themselves of this fact. So in their minds, he never does) So this kingpin offers Mexicans work, money, protection, and even hope for a better future. This is why no one betrays him. The filmmakers are definitely neutral. They don't condone nor condemn. They tell a story as they see it. They show everything as is and leaves it up to the viewer to make up their mind about the man. It's a frontline documentary for God's sake. So you know it is great.The corruption in Mexico however has resulted in a big loss of lives at the hands of drug lords. It is incomprehensible to the point of saying that this can only happen in a failed nation. Very sad to say it: A Narco state.
THE LEGEND OF SHORTY is a documentary which sees two journalists, one British and the other Peruvian, go hunting for "El Chapo" (or "Shorty") Guzman, the head of the Sinaloa Cartel. They lay out his rise from foot-soldier to the leader of the largest of the Mexican drug cartels, which is interesting if familiar to anyone who knows anything about the subject. Then they try to find the man - who was supposed to be the most wanted man in Mexico - who the government couldn't find. They don't meet him but they do manage to get to his ranch, meet his grandmother and hang out with his bodyguards. It seems likely that he's around, but unwilling to appear on camera. This is the most compelling part of the film, in part because of how uncinematic the life of the cartel guys is: they pretty much hang around in the boondocks drinking beer and killing cows to make steaks. The relative ease with which the journnalists find him shows what most people in Mexico already knew; that there is collusion between the cartels and the government (recently Shorty was captured, without a fight; like his earlier prison time, it's almost certainly all arranged before hand). Unfortunately this means that there isn't much for the journalists to do, so to bulk out their film to a feature-length of 90 minutes they play a lot of songs in full, which are mildly interesting but really slow it down. It probably would have been better as an hour of television.
Okay with such a title of a documentary, there are tons of puns galore you can come up with on this one, but the subject matter is no laughing matter.We have two journalists/documentary makers out to try to find the elusive Mexican drug lord El Chapo ('Shorty') who is currently the world's most notorious drugs crime lord. Going and escaping from wherever they can, our leads interview just anyone who is brave enough to talk. Quite often you will feel very disturbed by some of the replies from a selection of those interviewed.This is a graphic and honest documentary, and the question is just what will he be like when or if the documentary do find him? That's the mystery.It's nothing special in it making, and really we are watching our leads on a wild goose chase.It's interesting and unsettling, worth a viewing but you'll get little out of it.
The drugs business is a multi-million pound industry, and the head of the Sinaloa cartel, known as 'El Chapo', or 'Shorty' in English, was a semi-public figure. So how come he lived so long without arrest? He was finally captured earlier this year, but it seems that the authorities were complicit in his freedom, perhaps because it's easier to have a Mr. Big (or Mr. Small?) controlling a cartel than to cut off the head and look at what's inside. In 'The Legend of Shorty' two film-makers, who have an established interest in the subject, attempt what the U.S. and Mexican governments apparently could not do, and track down the man in person. Their quest illustrates the sad state of contemporary Mexico, and the damage that the cartels, and the war on drugs, have done to the country. It's a revealing portrait, enlivened by some brilliant Tex-Mex songs about El Chapo and the life in his gangs, but fundamentally depressing. Something is rotten in the state of Mexico; and it's hard to believe that Shorty's eventual arrest will actually change that much.