Dream Boy
Dream Boy
| 24 October 2008 (USA)
Dream Boy Trailers

The story of Nathan, a young teenager who tries to flourish in a romantic relationship with neighbour Roy. The two young men will have to face the brutal reality of the rural south of the United States in the late 1970s.

Executscan Expected more
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
mgold-8 WARNING, SPOILER ALERT.I read the book when it first came out almost 20 years ago, and I despised it because of the ending. I don't really care what psychobabble mumbo jumbo symbolic whatever the author was intending to convey by ending the book the way he did. To me it's nothing more and nothing less than the usual typical gay-themed book or film where the gay character has to die in the end. Yes, obviously real life isn't all gumdrops and rainbows but regardless of the author's intentions, did the world really need to see a movie where this kid gets brutally raped and murdered? Personally I think not.In any event, I had no intention of ever watching this movie, having read the book and strongly disliking it as I mentioned above. But then quite by accident I stumbled across this totally beautiful video http://tinyurl.com/la7w4mq which gave me the hope that perhaps the screenwriter re-wrote the book by getting rid of all the violence and death and ambiguity. Unfortunately that's not the case at all, but in fact if you watch the first 2/3 of the movie and then just shut it off, it's a really beautiful love story and you can pretend that the 2 boys live happily ever after.
Miss_NightHawk Truthfully, I really enjoyed the movie. However, I found the beginning a bit slow moving, which caused me to debate whether it was worth my time numerous times during the first twenty minutes or so. But once the story got rolling, it was quite interesting and kept me hooked. Of course, I believe Nathan Davies (Stephen Bender), our protagonist of the film, was a bit too awkward at the start of the movie, although maybe in his situation (a molested teenager in a secret relationship with his boy-next-door classmate) his overly awkwardness is justified.Maximilian Roeg did a good job playing Roy, although the audience may get mix feelings about the boy-next-door throughout the film because of his quick brutality and also his soft spot for Nathan. Finally, the ending becomes a bit confusing, what with a ghostly apparition of Nathan's father, a creepy plantation seemingly just thrown into the movie to spice things up, quick short clips of Nathan being raped, and then the funeral. It is difficult to decipher what happened in the last ten or so minutes of Dream Boy, but one thing is clear. An innocent boy lost his childhood and his life to molestation and finally rape, all because people couldn't accept the relationship between Roy and Nathan, as well as stand up against Nathan's father. For these reasons, as well as the fact that the relationship between Nathan and Roy was overly quick, and the way the parents seemed underdeveloped, I give this movie 6 stars.
hsture There are so many things wrong with this film it is hard to know where to begin, but I shall start with the poor excuse for a script, at first it was difficult to decide whether it was the acting that was bad or the script, and then after about half an hour I realised it was both. Persevering in the hope that it would improve, I proceeded to waste another hour watching this poor excuse for a film, the sad part is it had the potential to be good, if only the script had done something other than hint at the issues it was attempting to deal with, barely scratching the surface of what in reality is a very serious issue. The awkward acting (Stephen Bender) portraying an awkward, and mostly cringe worthy portrayal of a teen struggling with not only his sexuality but his horrendous home life, to be fair it isn't his fault though, the weak writing left him little to work with, and very little dialogue, other then the odd feeble response to a question, and fain glance here and there at his co-stars there really was not a lot he could do. The depth of characters were about as deep as that which you would find in an episode of the hills, by the end of the film, other than the shoddy, and sloppy scene depicting his father attempting to abuse him we knew nothing about these characters as individuals, much less how they came to have such an 'intense' relationship, how they went from riding the school bus with each other to pulling each others clothes off in a grave yard is a mystery I think even Sherlock himself would struggle to fathom, yet we were supposed to believe in this relationship and it's struggles and somehow the emotional turmoil he was going through at the same time. To say the ending was a disaster would be an understatement, four boys on a camping trip, find a scary old house...all seems pretty cliché right? but to add in a rape scene for shock value seemed, vulgar, pathetic and illustrated just how poor the writing of this movie was, the fact that once he was dead his eyes moved several times as his co star was supposed to be sat mourning his loss was almost laughable. My review may seem harsh but I think if you are going to make a movie about something on this subject, and do it so poorly, you are opening yourself up to criticism. The writers were obviously trying to build themselves up as your typical quirky, indie film, edgy and mysterious, the only mystery in the end being how the hell it got made in the first place. Weak, poorly written and poorly executed, an insult to those who have actually gone through anything like this.
Shannon Crohns I have read reviews for this movie, giving it a lot of hate. I really loved this movie and thought that it was quite heart felt and beautiful. While i agree with a lot of other reviewers that this movie was a missed opportunity and there was a lot of potential that should have been utilized, people aren't thinking about the budget of this movie. If this was a multi-million dollar budget movie then I feel that some of that extra potential could have been reached but since there was so little of a budget, I feel that this movie is excellent.I watch a lot of Gay dramas and have to say that this one is uniquely different which is what gave it a lot of appeal to me and I'm looking forward to reading the book.