The Way He Looks
The Way He Looks
NR | 07 November 2014 (USA)
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Leonardo is a blind teenager dealing with an overprotective mother while trying to live a more independent life. To the disappointment of his best friend, Giovana, he plans to go on an exchange program abroad. When Gabriel, a new student in town, arrives at their classroom, new feelings blossom in Leonardo making him question his plans.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
ty_lattimore2007 This film is the film I wish a 16 year old me had seen. The movie is a love story full of hope and romance. The direction is superb! You will find yourself riding the roller coaster of emotions. The innocence and rawness of the film makes you remember your first kiss and first time falling in love. Ghilherme Lobo's emotions as Leonardo showcases his skill. He is a really good actor. Daniel Ribeiro has made one of the best young love stories on film that I have ever seen. I am glad I ran across this film. I think it is universal in emotion and feeling. Even made me check out the short film that Daniel Ribeiro originally made. It is pretty good as well.
doblebarra This is probably in my top 5 of gay movies. I had seen the short movie the director made years ago but the feature movie is so much better. We get to know the characters in depth and the disability and homosexuality of the main character are not traumatic, it is just a part of his personality. He suffers exactly the same situations that any other teenager would. Keeping the same cast of actors is also a plus, as you can get to love them once you know what they are going through. I recommend you to watch this one before you watch the short movie as you will enjoy the short one more. Thumbs up for the director who seems to create delicate stories (Also watch his short "Cafe com Leite").
Reno Rangan The Brasil's submission for the last concluded American Academy Awards, the 2015's Oscar edition and as we know it did not make that far. Again, one more movie in the list of 'based on the short film'. It also retained all the prominent cast and their respective roles for this full length feature. A teen romance-drama, a gay theme as well as a love triangle. Very light and softly narrated tricky romance theme and obviously suited well as a complete picture.The story was told from the perspective of a blind high school student Leo. He and Gi are the friends since childhood. She's always there for him like a pair of eyes, a companion who walks with him home, only until a new student Gabe arrives. The things are starting to change around them and they begin to realise how much valuable to each other. What comes after is the crux of the story. The same old jealousy story, but from the fresh cast it looked so good."In our eclipse, Gabriel would be the Earth and you, the moon."A successful domestic box office, critically acclaimed film and the better ratings in all the online movie database, but to me it was just a good movie. The story had adorable characters and the love tale was told in a cute way, though that was not enough for me to get excited. No offense, but the gay theme was the letdown, that doesn't mean I'm against the gay. I loved 'Love of Siam' and 'Bangkok Love Story'. Maybe because I'm a straight, though I had no problem with the movies like 'Water Lilies', 'Yes or No' and other lesbian movies.It's a crazy world, full of crazy people and their crazy romances. Whatever the format is, the love is always sweet. I liked this film's concept, if it was reversed from the gay to the lesbian, probably I would have loved it more. Or the story structure and character development in the first half should have been improved. Because in the end part, looked everything hurried and forced to conclude. Don't listen to me, you might like it, but be cautious, especially don't go after it with a great expectation seeing plenty of praise everywhere.7/10
BullMooseWV The movie was cute and well-acted. It reminds me of the After-School Specials on TV we used to have here in the States, in that it was lighthearted with some great acting and touching upon difficult subjects effectively without going overboard. I wish we would have had movies such as this when I was growing up. It would have helped a lot. Hopefully, it helps some young folks was they deal with a difficult time.I also thought of the British movie "Beautiful Thing" when I was watching this. That also dealt with teenage boys dealing with same-sex attraction as they deal with the already-tortuous teenage years. The direction was decent, perhaps just a bit uneven at times.
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