Dragons Forever
Dragons Forever
R | 11 February 1988 (USA)
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A hot-shot lawyer is hired by a Hong Kong chemical plant to dispose of opposition to their polluting ways. But when he falls for a beautiful woman out to stop the plant, he is torn in a conflict of interest and asks his trusty friends Samo and Biao to help out at least until they discover the true purpose of the plant.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Leofwine_draca Another crazy comedy/action flick to combine the star talents of Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao; this is their last production together but by no means their least. Once again the familiar formula of the tale involves our heroes getting up to all kinds of shenanigans when they become involved in the legal case between a woman who claims her lake is being polluted by a factory and the factory owner. Chan stars as a rather unlikely lawyer who ends up falling in love with the beautiful witness on the other side whilst Sammo Hung turns up as an arms dealer who also falls in love with the woman's sister (or friend, it doesn't really matter). Best of all is Yuen Biao as Chan's friend, an eccentric burglar who has frequent visits to the shrink to try and cure him of his insanity. Lots of comedy antics ensue between the threesome, especially Biao and Hung who take an instant dislike to each other and always seem to be fighting at inopportune times.The film offers plenty of comedy and also a double romance, which is focused on a great deal. I'm pleased to say that the romances are handled sensitively and with great passion, and its enjoyable to watch the martial artists doing something other than fighting all of the time. The comic interplay and slapstick humour is handled superbly and mixes well with the action. As for the fights, well once again they're phenomenal and have a real edge to them. Watch out for a meal on a boat which is interrupted by hired thugs, watching Chan wipe them all out is a delight and wonderful stuff. The three stars are on top form, especially Yuen Biao who stars in what may be his greatest role as the consistently funny and not to mention crazy thief. Chan is solid in the leading part although has less screen time than usual whilst Hung is excellent throughout, especially in the scarily realistic scenes in which he gets injected by heroin which gave the film an 18 certificate here in the UK. His direction is above-par too.As usual for these collaborations, the finale is the most memorable thing about the film, this time offering an extended action sequence set in a factory full of railings, poles and bubbling pools of evil. The acrobatic martial arts which take place amid the glass-smashing, bone-snapping mayhem are truly incredible and a wonder to behold. The chief villain, played by the inimitable Yuen Wah, is an amusing cigar-chomping caricature who gets his just desserts. But the best thing about the film is the reappearance of Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez, who turns up as a thug to fight Chan at the end just like he did in WHEELS ON MEALS. Complete with heavy eye-liner and a ponytail, Benny has never looked scarier than he does here and he proves to be a mean menace. The fight sequence is phenomenal and a fitting end to a quality production. Use of slow-motion in the various stunts also heightens the enjoyment, helping to make this one of the best action/comedies out there.
leonblackwood Review: I really didn't enjoy this movie! It's one of those comedic Jackie Chan movies, that really wasn't that funny and the acting was also a bit dodgy. It also seemed more like a Rom- Com than your usual action packed film, that we have grown to enjoy from Chan so it really has to go down as a bad day at the office for the action superstar.. Anyway, this film sees Jackie Chan playing a high flying lawyer who is hired to help a chemical plant owner to stop a woman from suing them for polluting the area. With the help of his close friends Luke Wong (Sammo Hung) and Timothy Tung (Biao Yuen), he uses some undercover tactics to build a case against the adamant woman but he ends up falling for her cousin and with much persuasion, Sammo Hung falls for the woman that they are building a case against. From here it turns into a soppy love story but when Chan and his team finally find out what the people at the chemical plant are really getting up to, they take matters into there own hands which puts all of there life's in danger. I lost interest in this movie right from the beginning because of the silly jokes, annoying music and bad script. Some of the action scenes wasn't that bad but the two love stories got on my nerves. It seems like a lot of the movies that Jackie Chan starred in with Sammo Hung and Biao Yuen were badly made comedies so I'll know what to expect when I see them in the cast. On the plus side, Chans acting wasn't too bad and the chemistry between the 3 action stars was OK but I wasn't impressed with the film. Disappointing!Round-Up: This is another movie directed by Sammo Hung which I didn't enjoy. He still pulled off some good moves, even though he's a bit on the heavy side but I still am struggling to understand there sense of humour. I just hope that this Jackie Chan season will pick up soon, because the movies that I have watched in the latter part of his career, have been pretty awful. I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/comedy/romance/martial arts movies starring Jackie Chan, Biao Yuen and Sammo Kam-Bo Hung. 2/10
Comeuppance Reviews Notorious gangster and all-around bad guy Hua (Yuen) is using his chemical factory, Hua Chemical Works, as a front for a drug operation. Because his factory has made him a rich, white-collar businessman, no one can touch him. When a woman, Catherine (Yip) complains that the waste from his factory is polluting her beloved fishpond , she initially gets the brush-off from Hua. But when Hua's lawyer Johnny Lung (Chan) decides to defect to the good guys because he falls in love with Catherine's cousin Nancy (Yeung), all hell breaks loose. Uniting with buddies Luke (Hung) and Timothy (Biao), the triumphant trifecta take on the takers in a no-holds-barred brawl (is there any other kind?) Sammo Hung chalks up another winner for his storied career in this lovable outing. Once again, the movie is filled with energy, humor, and action. This time around, he introduces some romantic comedy elements, so for our money, the previous "Three Brothers" film, Wheels On Meals (1984), is a bit better, but it's entirely subjective, of course. There's plenty of expertly done slapstick on show as well, and if Wheels On Meals had our heroes as the Three Musketeers, here they're reminiscent of the Three Stooges. It's all very well-shot and well-staged, and the ending certainly doesn't skimp on the action.Thanks in part to the newly-added presence of co-director/production supervisor Corey Yuen, the Martial Arts have that kinetic, bone-breaking edge that we've all become so addicted to. It's perfectly suited to counterbalance the romantic comedy elements. Benny The Jet also returns from Meals, and, as stated earlier, the final fight in the warehouse is awesome, with stellar fight choreography and tons of engaging moments.If you have Netflix Streaming, that's a good way to view this movie, as it's nicely letterboxed and subtitled. Hopefully the Three Brothers will reunite, as 1988, the year of this movie, was their last film together to date. It would be amazing to see them all together in a movie that comes to the theater. Dragons Forever is a movie that will appeal to die-hard Martial Arts film fans, as well as newbies just getting into the genre. Quality stuff.For more action insanity, drop by: www.comeuppancereviews.com
gangstahippie Rated PG-13 for Violence and Language. Quebec Rating:13+ Canadian Home Video Rating:14AI saw Dragons Forever on Spike TV a year ago.Dragons Forever is a great action/comedy with Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung but it is also sort of a romance movie in some parts.But that doesn't stop it from having great fight scenes and the usual Jackie Chan charm.Jackie Chan and Sammo play lawyers in this film.Draogns Forever has a fairly good story,great fight sequences and the usual Jackie Chan charm and I recommend it for Chan fans.Runtime:102min 9/10