Dragon Tiger Gate
Dragon Tiger Gate
| 27 July 2006 (USA)
Dragon Tiger Gate Trailers

Three young martial arts masters emerge from the back streets of Hong Kong to help the powerless fight injustice.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
mitchincoo Plot is not important. This is martial arts. Something about avenging the master's death, I suppose. The lack of plot is not what makes this movie unworthy of my full attention. It is not the bad acting, the bad dialog (although the bad English language version may not be helping) or the bad fighting sequences. I've sat through worse and enjoyed the films. There is just no feeling to this movie. No core. No central something to make the bad elements add up to something half way decent. I've written about the highs and the lows of martial arts cinema. This isn't doesn't even register. Wow. I can't finish the film. Now I'll never know how the brothers get together and defeat the guy with the metal mask.
Angelus2 I purchased this film as I had nothing interesting to do later that day.I know about Hong Kongs kung fu movies and a lot of the martial arts are pretty cool and breath-taking.Donnie Yen out does himself in this film; the plot is a little thin; but the fight scenes make up for it in a tons.Nicholos Tse (New police story)and Shawn Yue (Infernal Affairs 2) are great in the fight scenes but it is Donnie that takes the cake.His physique and movement is not only brilliant but graceful; his eyes sparkle a mysterious glow.A good film overall.
dreamtheater46 I came across this Movie by accident in a Blockbuster sale of used movies.Since i am a Fan of Martial Arts i picked this up not really being sure what to expect.I did not about the Comic Book or nothing,i decided to pick this one up.I had so many movies to catch up with that i had this Movie laying at home for a couple of week's,and damn what i had missed.This is really an awesome Martial Art Movie.The Fight Scenes are very over the top sometimes.But thats the good thing about it,,who doesn't love the Matrix Reloded fight or the one from Kill Bill?? Of course these fight are completely different,one uses Cgi and the other one more a Wirework Style. But in this Movie i don't know how they pulled the fights of,well first of all the Actors are Top Martial Artist's so much is done by themselves.But there must be some whirework and CGI in there fore Shure. I usually watch more Good Plot Movies and Many Art Films but i am open for anything that will get me a good time. Well this one has a little plot,but its not very deep.But in this kind of movies who needs a good plot.Five minutes into the movie people are flying trough walls and so it goes on.There are only a couple of slow moments that are: THE PLOT.So this is really all about punching,kicking,awesome stunts and Martial Art moves that will make you stop motion watch it cause it was so fast.The weapon's used in the Movie are also very cool.You can really feel a Comic Like feel when you are watching.Typical long hair fighters a la King of Fighters. If you enjoy movies like Kung Fu Hustle,Kill Bill or the Matrix you'll like this one.They are all over the top.Thing with this movie is that the fight scenes look quiet realistic cause of the skill of the Actors who are top snotch!!if you like fast action and Kung Fu don't miss this Movie
lyrebird This movie is all about the famous ever-lasting theme, which is: Good Guys vs Bad Guys, with Good Guys winning in the end. I suppose it's a perfectly right, because not a lot of people want tragic finals - it's depressing.The script is uncomplicated and doesn't contain any deeply buried philosophical questions, so people who expect to finally discover answers to "Why are we here?" will probably walk away feeling deceived. However, while I liked the uncomplicated part, I suspect that some pieces of the story had gone missing during the making of the movie and occasionally I felt lost. That's why I'm rating it 9 instead of 10.But the rest was really good. The actors - all of them - fitted perfectly and Donnie Yen was even better than perfect if only it's possible. And since it was him who did the action choreography it's only to be expected. When he starts kicking Bad Guys' asses you understand very clearly that they don't stand a chance against him, poor dears. Donnie Yen is awesome.Overall, I must say that I liked all three main heroes and wanted them to win throughout all the movie, and that says something.So, if you want to watch something visually impressive, with martial arts performed really, really well and good acting - that movie is for you. I enjoyed it immensely.