Dragon Day
Dragon Day
PG | 10 January 2013 (USA)
Dragon Day Trailers

When Duke Evans, out of work NSA analyst, is evicted from his home he moves his family to his grandfather's old cabin. However here they are also threatened when a hellish cyber-attack is unleashed on the US rendering anything with a computer chip useless. He must now keep his family alive, fight off would be thieves and a newly corrupted government and ultimately make the hardest decision of his life- to survive. Written by Patterson, Matt (V)

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Neil Well I stayed til the end, you know, just to see.Was not expecting much as I found online over on the YT channel, & was not found to be wanting. While some ideas were well filmed eg: smokey wreckage, sadly to much was left to to few. Acting like it was a school project filmed for credits. Invasion Day/ DD really is a piece of work.
paq5528 I have never given such a low rating before, but this movie had no redeeming factors and it therefore deserved such a dubious distinction.The acting was complete cardboard with most of the time my wishing the main characters would get killed off since they were so annoying. To add to the distaste, the characters simply weren't believable either.Add to that an extremely poor plot with more holes than my grandfather's underwear, with a great big dollop of the incredulity bred of a hundred plot points where you yourself could think your way out of it or it simply wasn't feasible, and you honestly have a sincere waste of time.
Seba After seeing some bad reviews I was expecting a boring movie, but it was totally the opposite. If you are not the type of person that need to see the million dollar effects and the top paid actors to enjoy a movie, you will not regret watching this one. The possible fact of the USA not able to paid their debt and the massive cyber-attack that follows make a very interesting idea. It has a good plot, nice filming and it's great how they manage to make a movie on this complicate subject with a really low budget ($200.000). I would like to see the same movie, same idea, same director, same writer but with a Hollywood budget!
Razvan Alexandru The good people of the P.R. of C. suddenly decide they've just about had it with the U.S. of A.'s outstanding debt and subsequently pull the proverbial rug from under their feet by activating some secret backdoor that renders all Chinese microprocessor powered machinery useless. America grinds to a halt, the Chinese starve them into submission, chaos ensues. Blah. Blah.As if the underlying premise wasn't idiotic enough, the acting, the directing and the editing made short work of everything else. Rarely have I ever seen a movie as lame and as pitiful as "Dragon Day".In a twisted sort of way, I'm actually glad I soldiered on until the end as sure enough the ending was the icing on the cake, with the protagonist once again resorting to an act of unspeakable stupidity involving a (Chinese made, I'll bet) power tool. You HAVE GOT to see it to believe it.The fact that garbage such as this actually gets funded is in and of itself far more of a threat to America's integrity than anything an enemy could conjure up from the outside.