Double Teamed
Double Teamed
G | 18 January 2002 (USA)
Double Teamed Trailers

Heather and Heidi play volleyball for their school team, when their family decides that they need to go to a bigger school so that they will have a better chance for scholarships. But at the new school, the twins are discovered by the basketball coach. Inspired by the true story of Heather and Heidi Burge.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
northcarolinatom As a long-time girls' basketball and track coach on the junior high and high school levels, I enjoyed the movie. Although it was not technically sound in its portrayal of the game, it did show successfully the determination and dedication of young athletes. I especially liked the opening scene which showed the power workout before breakfast. I also liked how it shows the increasing interest in girls' sports. The movie was a feel-good movie that could be used to motivate young girls to pursue their talents in competitive sports; it could also be used to teach young boys that girls too work hard and long to achieve their dreams and need recognition too. It also teaches how important it is to get over jealousy and to make sacrifices.
glitterchic44 I have seen this movie, and I thought that it was a very inspirational movie for young girls like myself to do their best. You may not think that it doesn't show the obstacles they had to face, but moving to a new town and having people hate you in high school is definitely an obstacle, and almost every teenage girl can relate. It was a good movie that could inspire a future WNBA star! And even though they didn't look like each other it doesn't matter, it's not exactly easy to find two tall twin blondes around age 16 who can act! I say this movie is a 3-point play!
pinokiyo This movie is a joke. Why is it that the coaches only starts hauling in the tall players with no talent from the beginning to join their team and never gives a chance to the average height players that has some talent from the start? I swear the Asian coach in the movie looks exactly like my high school basketball coach. The way he speaks too. And how he only takes tall players during try outs (damn the coach at my school, everyone said I did good in tryouts and everybody thought I made the team but nooo!!) Anyways what kind of coach is the guy in the movie? All he does is say "Pass it to the tall girl, Keep it up girls, blah blah blah". And like I said this movie is a joke. How is it during the championship game where the opponent's coach gets a technical their team shoots 2 free throws and gets the ball?! Since when did they start shooting 2 free throws on a technical?! Why is this director directing a basketball movie if he doesn't know the basic rules. And give me a break, you can't just bring in an injured player on your roster during the middle of the game. Though I did have a good time laughing at the lameness of this movie, like this one scene in the beginning where Heather(I think) started shooting and making all her shots and everyone was going "WOW!" and looked at her in amazement but WE(the viewers) see her only like 1 feet away from the basketball! What's so amazing about that?! It's only amazing if that dog Air Bud makes it from that close. And who shoots a 3 pointer after stealing the ball on a fastbreak?! Yeah yeah it's just a simple family movie but c'mon at least make it a little more realistic. This movie is awful. The message here is these girls did not find their talent on their own as they were forced to join the basketball team. What if they were 2 average height girls? The coaches wouldn't ask them to try out for basketball, they wouldn't be signing autographs in the WNBA today. Or at least this is what the movie is saying to me on my point of view.Sure some may think this is a sweet movie but this was too corny for me. If you want to see a good Disney Channel Original Movie then check out Brink! That was a cool movie.
stephanotis323 This movie was ok. It had a few flaws, like they didnt look a bit like twins. And in the end, (spoiler, if you want to call it that, since its too predictable) when she comes in, with her ankle broken and everything, there was no reason for her to come in. No one was hurt, they didnt need a man, they werent short a man, she just was full of herself, and couldnt fathom anyone else trying to pull it off. She wanted this to be her moment, when she was really putting victory at risk by going in wounded. I bet all the reviews written before this were by kids. 5 out of 10