Don't Look at Me That Way
Don't Look at Me That Way
| 16 June 2016 (USA)
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Hedi is the new neighbor of Iva, who raises her daughter Sofia by herself. The two women start a relationship and Iva is desperately in love with Hedi. Suddenly Iva's father appears. Hedi feels strongly attracted to him. It seems that only one world exists for Hedi. Her own.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
roeschter-220-321816 *SPOILER* The movie opens with Hedi, played by director Uisenma Borchu, a young woman living in Munich daydreaming of taking her neighbors cute 6 year old daughter on a trip to visit her own grandmother in Mongolia. What starts as a jolly day dream develops into a chamber play psychological drama between Hedi, her neighbor Iva and Iva's estranged father, culminating in a dramatic final scene that leaves viewers baffled and wondering if Hedi is an emotionally manipulative monster or a harmless day dreamer.Despite the director demonstrating her skill for dark drama at the end, the movie is mostly lighthearted and humorous. Hedi is a sexual libertarian (WARNING: The movie is quite sexually explicit in both picture and language) sleeping with male acquaintances picked up in a bar, her single mother neighbor Iva and finally Iva's 65+ year old nihilistic father (played by Joseph Bierbichler, the only professional actor in the movie). International audiences will delight in the unadulterated view of Munich city life, contrasted with Hedi's day dreams of her grandmother, introducing a peek into traditional Mongolian culture. Hedi assuming a mother role for Eva's 6 year old daughter Sophia brings a lighthearted touch to the movie as Sophia, blonde, cute and innocent, visually contrasts with Hedi, dark haired, slim and beautiful.Overall an excellent first work of new director Uisenma Borchu, quite successfully playing with romantic drama elements, exotic cultural contradictions, some beautifully done sex scenes contrasting Hedi's (Uisenma Borchu) Mongolian beauty against blonde German Iva (Catrina Stemmer). We hear Iva's father (Joseph Bierbichler) cite Berthold Brecht poems, explaining to young Hedi what sex means for old men and shedding tears when he sees his young grandchild.8 stars for quality on low budget.