Don't Cry Mommy
Don't Cry Mommy
| 24 February 1997 (USA)
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Wedding in a provincial seaside town. In the midst of the fun criminal authority Tourist begins to molest the bride, which infuriates the groom — merchant seaman. The bandits and the police decide to plant a sailor, but he runs away and on his quest sent the police, killers, relatives and different people.

Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
exciter-2 That is - in my never so humble opinion - hands down - THE BEST gangster comedy-drama I've ever seen in my life. It is mission-impossible to translate it properly into any other language. So I don't think that will ever be done. Not successfully at least. The humor, the charismatic characters, the soundtrack....... And MAN! The treasure of a script. It is totally and completely the work of art. It's genius! It defines the word - TALENT. Russian language is worth learning - just to watch that movie alone... The script deserves to be memorized. It helps in everyday life. Basically some of the Russian followers of that movie have done just that. The movie itself - feels like a tasteful cross between Tarantino and Guy Ritchie. It shows qualities of both with amazingly inspiring Russian twist. While watching that - I felt it! Every moment of it. I was entertained. Sad. Happy. Aroused (just watching Olesya Sudzilovskaya flick her hair would do that to a man). Laughing. Crying. Cheering. All that and more in under 90 minutes. If that is not 10 out of 10 movie experience - I don't know what is.
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