Don 2
Don 2
| 23 December 2011 (USA)
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Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
palainausa This film embodies almost everything I don't watch an Indian movie for. If I watch an Indian movie I want to see either Indian song & dance entertainment, Indian scenery, an Indian political drama, or and Indian crime drama. Keyword: Indian. As in... takes place in India, I see India, I learn something about India, I get to enjoy Indian pop culture. I do not wish to see Berlin, London , Bangkok, Paris, Zurich, etc. I do not wish to see blonde babes dancing. I do not wish to see dancers in western, urban clothing. I do not want rap. Not all those faults are in this particular film, but those that are are dominant. Shahrukh Kahn pretending he is Tom Cruise? Gimme a break. I'd rather see him in a sari. Two stars for the explosions.
unnikrishnan pm Don 2 follows from where Don left. SRK practically carries the movie on his shoulders. He looks more handsome than in Don. He has acted well. The stunt scenes are very good, especially the car chase scene. The songs are also good. There is enough complication in the plot to keep us hooked on. If we blink, we would surely miss something.But I would say that Don 2 was not as good as Don. Don 2 was more of a one man show where Don seems to be more intelligent than the others. The other cast seem too dumb to figure out what Don is doing. For example, Priyanka chopra gets a chance to shoot Don, but does not do so. She suddenly seemed to believe Don's lies and I think she also forgot the fact that it was Don who killed her brother in the first movie. Towards the end, even the police force tends to believe Don's lies and frees him of all his charges. Vardhaan really looked like a fool and seems to have lost all his cleverness that we all saw in Don. Roma looks confused and juggles between whether to protect or kill Don.The Cameo of hrithik roshan was a cheap pull off from the mission impossible series and could have been avoided.Except for some minor plot holes here and there, Don 2 looks quite good, but does not stand up to its predecessor.
mathew james all at one word i like to say good not a bad movie. positive points 1-its style and modern looking than other bollywood film 2-the way sharukh khan acts very good as don 3-it has everything a good action movie needs-a car chase,a item song,two fight scenes,a very special don escape,and also with light comedies. 4-what a super suspense at last,the entry and climax scene is outstanding. 5-what a super direction with twists.negative points 1-do not have much good story line.over suspense that is make people over confused about the a final result it will be a absolute blockbuster and good movie.
simian_ninja An entertaining enough film that cannot make up it's mind what it wants to be. First off, the music - as a key ingredient in Bollywood cinema, there is nothing that is too memorable about the soundtrack of 'Don 2'. There is one particular sequence that is supposed to remind the audience of the 2006 remake but doesn't come close to that film's "Main Hoon Don". One of the biggest peeves I have about this film is the writing, for a professional film that is trying to distance itself away from the usual Bollywood standard and emulate Hollywood - simply falls flat due to twists and turns that are not exciting in any way or form. I cannot say much without revealing spoilers but jaw dropping moments simply become "Meh" shrugging moments. The direction & cinematography are worthwhile and show the skills of Faran Ahktar (who is probably one of my favorite Bollywood directors) and Jason West. What helps the film work is that the locations aren't simply there to say "Oh look where we are" but work strongly to become apart of the film itself. The acting. Not a lot to go on this one. Shahrukh sleep walks his way through this one with a confidence that I have yet to see matched by any other actor. He is Don. And it is easy to fall for his charm - you want this Don to win - Vijay is nothing more than a mere distant memory. Priyanka Chopra looks amazing but she's not given enough meat to chew on. Wasted potential. Unfortunately Boman Irani and Om Puri seem like they were a part of the film for a paycheck. It's a shame because both of them are on my favorite actors list. All in all, Don suffers from not knowing what it wants to be yet carries with it a confidence that knows that people are going to watch it (and of course they would). The film could have been a marathon but doesn't go the mile - I wanted to like it but it simply is not engaging as the first one. Also, the creators are sitting on a Goldmine of ideas - it's a shame that they took an easy way out.