| 01 June 2015 (USA)
Consumed Trailers

When Sophie's son, Garrett, develops a mysterious illness, she embarks on a search for answers. This leads her into the controversial world of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) where a sociopolitical battle rages between organic farmers and big biotech corporations. As her desperation grows, so too does her quest for knowledge. And the deeper she goes, a more heightened sense of danger develops that preys on her state of mind, as she attempts to discover the root cause of her son's illness.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
phd_travel Before watching this show I wasn't familiar about the GMO debate. This movie is quite fascinating and makes one ask shy aren't there long term tests on them? If they are safe after the tests then fine, but why let us eat them without the tests? A likable bunch of familiar faces from Anthony Edwards and Kunal Nayar to Taylor Kinney and Danny Glover play supporting cast.The thriller story about a mother and her son suffering from a food allergy isn't too bad but it is a bit contrived and unbelievable at times. For example why isn't she just cooking some Whole Foods for her child instead of dragging him around in her bring down the GMO company quest? Also the death of the scientist was unnecessary. But I guess they need to make some exciting conspiracy theory thing or it would just have been a documentary.Watch this and find out more about the issue - it affects everyone.
oliviatowning This film is just phenomenal. It's rather eye opening and chilling at times. The film is well research and unearths the serious issues surrounding GMO's in the USA. It is the only first world country that does not label GMO's. This people shows the power to the people. Do your own research, speak up and demand transparency. I'm lucky to live in Australia where labeling is mandatory. BUY ORGANIC WHERE POSSIBLE. I love that they have utilized a film medium, building up a great character profile. All in all, i'm very impressed with this amazing film. It's Erin Brockovich meets the health world. Its an amazing cast and a very emotional story line. Share it around and watch it with your family and friends. This film uncovers issues that are being covered up.
ms-donnabray Don't pay attention to the 1 star reviews. This movie was RIVETING. I only started hearing about GMOs a few years ago. I am a big believer in natural remedies and in whole body health. I started doing research, as research is my forte in the work that I do for a living. I strive to keep an open mind, think outside of the box, and I consider the source of everything that I read in order to form conclusions. The biggest conclusion that I reached on the topic of GMO food safety is that while the companies who are patenting this technology CLAIM that the food is safe, there is absolutely NO research that proves the safety of consuming these modified organisms that are present in nearly everything that we consume. I was interested in seeing this movie in the theaters but it was unavailable in my area. I purchased the film when it became available in streaming format. That was about 2 months ago. To be honest, I was not expecting very much from the movie. The reason that I purchased it was more out of support for the whole "getting the word out" to the public to question what they are told and to do their own research. I finally sat down to watch the film today. IMHO, the movie was riveting. I was glued to my seat. It was very well acted and directed. The facts presented (in a fictional manner) were spot on to what is happening in the industry today. If you're curious, watch it. When you watch it, you will have questions and you will want answers. Do your own research. Think critically.
jasonbarnettnz I wanted to say hey this is actually a good film and it is actually researched. I wanted to see for myself so I went onto pub-med and actually found a whole bunch of studies linking GMOs and Monsanto roundup to autistic behavior, all kinds of allergies and yes even cancer. There are many reputable scientists who are genuinely concerned about the use of modified crops that can handle large amounts of pesticides that end up in the food in bigger numbers than ever before. You are what you eat, and the more we allow pesticides and chemicals like roundup that has been clinically proved to disrupt enzymes and proteins and cause cellular mutations then the worse off we are. There is good hard science backing the stories in this film yet many average people simply don't know this because the corporately owned media does its best to paint GMOs in a positive light. Go on pub-med and search yourself! Itys a shame this film is getting such bad ratings because of "damage control" from fake profiles and just plain old ignorant public who simply have no clue how GMOs are even created and why the science still has a long way to go before its safe. We are creating new toxic proteins and stuff that our bodies don't like or want. You can prove this to yourself, buy some food that you know is GMO, and buy the same kind of food that is organic and then try and feed both to your dog or cat (something they like obviously) and you'll notice that the animals somehow know what is GMO and what is not, they instinctively ALWAYS go for the natural non GMO and leave the GMO product in the bowl. This had been proved also with mice. When mice invade a farm shed they always leave the GMO seeds, wont eat them but they eat everything else. Why? because nature knows best. Also when you feed GMO food to animals they develop much higher cases of abnormalities, swollen glands and have higher cancer rates. This is a scientific fact here. Im not making anything up because I don't need to. Its just that the average public have no idea of these facts because these facts you have to dig deep for because no one in the corporate media will write articles about this. In fact they are paid my agricultural companies to write positive spin about GMOS. This is how it actually is. This is a really important film and if you google it you'll also find out these A list actors also agree about the dangers of GMOs and the feel passionately about it, because they are informed.