Dodecahedron of Luck: The family fortune and how I almost lost it, but didn't
Dodecahedron of Luck: The family fortune and how I almost lost it, but didn't
| 10 February 2025 (USA)
Dodecahedron of Luck: The family fortune and how I almost lost it, but didn't Trailers

A young wealthy duchess wagers her family fortune, in an instant her life could change, but doesn't

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
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