Disorder in the Court
Disorder in the Court
NR | 30 May 1936 (USA)
Disorder in the Court Trailers

The Stooges are key witnesses at a murder trial. Their friend Gail Tempest, who dances at the Black Bottom cafe where the Stooges are musicians, is accused of killing Kirk Robin.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
bkoganbing Suzanne Kaaren is on trial for her life. A nightclub entertainer she's accused of murdering a fellow performer. But she's got three alibi witnesses and need I tell you who they are.Moe, Larry, and Curly when called to testify wreak havoc on the poor judge's courtroom. Curly is called to testify first and he has a very funny bit when he is called on to remove his hat and swear on the Bible. Since he's carrying a cane he can't quite multi-task. When they do get him on the stand after some futile attempts to elicit testimony, he asks if he and his friends could reenact their testimony. After that the three who are musicians back Suzanne Kaaren in a song. It gets very funny as Larry's violin bow removes the court reporter's toupee, Moe swallows his mouth organ, and Curly's bass fiddle bow becomes a general weapon of war. Believe it or not, the truth does will out.Columbia Pictures for which they toiled released a film called Who Killed Gail Preston two years later. I wonder if the inspiration came from this film where Suzanne Kaaren's character is Gail Tempest?If you look among the courtroom spectators you will find the parents of Moe, Curly, and Shemp Howard. Their only appearance in any of their sons' work.The Stooges wreak havoc and laughs on the criminal justice system.
MartinHafer It's obvious that the Three Stooges are NOT everyone's taste, as I've asked a lot of people what they think about them. Many people (mostly kids and guys) seem to like them and many (mostly women and sane people) think they are pretty annoying. I am somewhere in the middle. I am a guy and like them in very small doses or if I want to drive my wife crazy! Mostly, I see them as a second-rate comedy team whose antics might be diverting but they are not even close to being the equal of Laurel and Hardy or several other comedians of the same era, though they are a good bit funnier than Wheeler and Woolsey as well as The Ritz Brothers. Because of this, I doubt if I'd ever score them higher than 7 or 8, but they were generally amiable and fun films (aside from the AWFUL films made with Joe Besser and Joe DeRita). However, if I do feel in the mood for the Stooges, this film (one of their most famous) is about as good as you'll find. The jokes are corny and silly BUT they come at such an alarming speed and the film is so high-energy that you can't help but enjoy yourself. Deep? Coitainly not, but it's still fun.
Snow Leopard This hilarious short comedy is one of the best-remembered Three Stooges movies, with plenty of zany slapstick and other gags that make very good use of the courtroom setting. It builds up nicely, starting with some light comedy including puns and sight gags, and it ends up in a typical Stooges free-for-all.The story starts with Moe, Larry, and Curly being called as witnesses in a murder trial, and it adds just enough detail to the trial itself to maintain a story line in the midst of the gradually increasing chaos. Many of the props in the courtroom, from the evidence exhibits to the furniture, are used to good effect.The setting works very well in bringing the Stooges with their free-wheeling approach to things into the courtroom with its staid, time-honored ways of doing things. It's funny in itself, and it allows for some amusing clashes, which at times also poke fun at the absurdity of some of the court system's archaic customs and terminology. It's especially enjoyable to watch the court functionaries attempting to 'swear in' Curly as a witness, a sequence that Curly pulls off especially well."Disorder in the Court" really has everything that you hope for in a Three Stooges comedy, and it's among their best movies.
Michael DeZubiria The Three Stooges are here the primary witnesses in a trial in which someone's life is at stake. What a great premise, put the Three Stooges in the middle of a life and death situation and try to get them to act normal! Needless to say, there is plenty of room for their classic slapstick comedy routines, and they make the most of it. This film clearly stars Curly, as he is the only witness who is made to eventually take the stand. The scene where the bailiff tries in vain to get Moe to simultaneously take off his hat, raise his right hand and put his left hand on the Bible is a great example of some of the simple but brilliant gags that this group was so famous for. It reminded me of something that Chaplin might have done.There is also a great sequence in which the stooges perform one of their musical acts, thinking that it is a much better way to show what happened than to try to answer nonsensical questions while on the stand. I can't help thinking that Moe always comes off as so mean-spirited in the Stooges' films, but I guess it should be seen as a testament to their wonderful ability to work together that he can pulls Curly's hair and smack Moe in the face and head and poke them both in the eyes and it's still hilarious.This is one of the first of the Three Stooges' films that I've ever seen, and yet I know all of their tricks and sound gags and trademarks because they are some of the most famous things in film history. Larry's smacking them around, Moe's trademark laugh and odd hand gestures, etc. Certainly a must-see not only for fans of the Stoogres' but for fans of comedy.