Brideless Groom
Brideless Groom
| 11 September 1947 (USA)
Brideless Groom Trailers

Shemp has to get married within seven hours in order to inherit $500,000. Now that's incentive! The bumbling threesome set to work right away with hilarious results.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
bkoganbing So says Moe about his brother, but as it turns out many women find Shemp eminently resistible until they learn he's to inherit half a million dollars. Then he's got more women on his hands than he knows what to do with. Proving that for half a million dollars women will even marry into The Three Stooges.Brideless Groom casts Shemp as music teacher with Larry as an accompanist and Moe essentially as a kibitzer. Moe gets a telegram for Shemp which says he can inherit half a million dollars if he's married by 6:00 pm that day, it was the last wish of his uncle.He phones a whole bunch of girlfriends who reject his proposal of matrimony, the only one who will consider it is this Amazonian type female who is a voice student of his. Their relationship is something like Fortunio Bonanova trying to teach Dorothy Comingore to sing. But I'm sure she pays well.Of course by that time all the women who've rejected him have heard about his inheritance thanks to the brilliance of Moe putting it in the society column. The last few minutes of half a dozen females fighting over Shemp is priceless if a bit unreal.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews This was part of a 3-DVD box-set, and this disc came with the Laurel and Hardy ones Mud and Sand, Just Ramblin' Along, Oranges and Lemons, The Tree in a Test Tube and another Three Stooges one, Sing a Song of Six Pants; it also came with Malice in the Palace, and the features Atoll K(or Utopia) and Flying Deuces. You're probably not surprised, if you read my summary, that I did not enjoy this. I've watched very little of the trio, and I intend to keep it that way. Not a fan of slapstick in general, but L&H's brand is light, unexpected, at times clever... this, on the other hand, is angry(bitter much? Seriously, why else would anyone make this?), you know that they're going to hit each other, and I've yet to see anything that hasn't been done far better(yes, we get it, money makes people do stupid things). They're loud and obnoxious, as are their guests, and that appears to be the entire schtick. Misunderstandings and such leading to violence; it seems like it hurts, too, as opposed to those where the characters get up, dust themselves off and are unharmed, where explosions leave you undamaged, just with soot on your face. This particular one has a shot where one of them actually broke his nose. How snuff. I recommend this to fans of the four "comedians", and no one else. 5/10
Space_Mafune A Three Stooges short, this one featuring Shemp. Of all those involving Shemp I've seen, this is my favorite performance by him in a Stooges short. The basic plot is that Shemp must get married by 6 o'clock that very evening if he's to inherit the half a million dollars a rich uncle left him in his will. So Shemp sets out to get himself a bride but finds it a tougher road than expected, that is until they learn of his inheritance money. Best bits here involve Shemp shaving, Shemp and Moe in a telephone booth and Larry on piano as accompaniment to Shemp's voice-training session. Also the sequence where Shemp is mistaken as Cousin Basil and its outcome proves hilarious.
MartinHafer Shemp finds out that he stands to inherit a million dollars IF he is married within 24 hours. Considering how hideous he looks and his personality, it isn't surprising that he can't get a taker--that is until an article appears in the paper explaining his predicament--at which point five crazed women appear from no where to claim their new hubby (plus the money, of course).While I don't hate the Three Stooges and like to watch their shorts on occasion, they never, even on their best day, came close to the brilliant comedy of Buster Keaton. That's why I disliked this film, as it was a ripoff of the plot from Keaton's masterpiece, SEVEN CHANCES. With the Stooges it wasn't uncommon for Columbia Pictures to steal old comedy plots or just recycle older Stooge shorts. So, from the outset, this film is a pale imitation of an original. It's also obvious that this film lacks the charm and subtlety of the original and the gags generally seem very forced (paricularly the phone booth scene). The cousin Basil bit, however, was pretty cute and funny--though far from subtle! However, the worst aspect of the film was the not particularly funny conclusion. In the Keaton version, hundreds of women appeared to marry him and the action became very fast and furious--here, it all stayed in one small room and lacked comedic punch--ending in a fizzle.Overall, a dull retread. Also, before marking this review "not helpful", be sure to FIRST see SEVEN CHANCES to see what I am talking about--then you decide.