Dirty Wars
Dirty Wars
NR | 18 January 2013 (USA)
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Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars, and examines how the US government has responded to international terrorist threats in ways that seem to go against the established laws of the land.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
tudorpsih With all the mainstream media cover-ups and distractions, this is a breath of fresh air. Highly recommended for anyone looking for the brutal truth of U.S. foreign affairs. Alongside other documentaries such as Why We Fight, No End in Sight, Collapse, Zeitgeist, What Lies Upstream etc., you might see the big picture and what this nation is all about.
morrison-dylan-fan Joining an event on IMDb's Film Festivals page,I spotted that one of the films was by the journalist who uncovered the full extent of the activates that military contracting firm Blackwater (now called Academi) was involved in the Middle East,which led to me getting ready to find out how dirty wars could be.The outline of the documentary:Learning about a number of raids which have been conducted in Afghanistan by Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) journalist Jeremy Scahill decides to investigate a raid which was to later be called the Khataba raid,where 5 people (including two pregnant women and a teenage girl) were killed by US Army Rangers.Meeting the victim's families in Afghanistan,Scahill soon discovers that it is impossible to get the US gov to admit to any activities in the Middle East.View on the film:Being unable to get insurance for visiting three "troubled" countries (Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia) the footage that director Rick Rowley shoots displays a remarkable clarity,with Rowley allowing the war lords to be clearly seen.Visiting the sights of deadly raids and travelling with war lords,Rowley and Scahill display a real care in making sure that the violent aftermaths are not the focus of the title,with full attention being paid to the survivors of the raids and drone strikes. Inspired by his book Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield, Jeremy Scahill takes centre stage as the "voice" of the film.Whilst his dedication to the subject is easy to see, Scahill sadly appears unwilling to let his interviewees get the full attention,with Rowley firmly positioning the camera in every interview so that Scahill is the most prominent person,which leads to the movie not uncovering the full dirt on the dirty wars.
imizrahi2002 it's not where i think i'll find anything about how people feel about certain situations... but the reviews i read here? wow! talk about insights into how people view the US and its workings...from around the world. i haven't lived in the US for years. as soon as i realized i'd found a place that does with the tax money what i wanted to be done with it, i'd realized it was where i wanted mine to go...what i want is an environment that is relatively safe and healthy to have families in. where people in need due to circumstances mostly beyond their control would be supported through hard times. even though i have to pay at least 8% more out of each paycheck. i'm OK with sacrificing for what i believe in...i could've been a soldier in the Vietnam war. i realized then how little that govt truly cared about me or any of its 'non connected' citizens... my knowledge of how pervasive that is has only grown throughout the following decades... if people want to have a better understanding of what i'm talking about, all they need do is read howard zinn's 'a people's history of the united states'. a bit biased, but enough facts to provide any discerning individual with the information needed to come to a clear conclusion.i don't see it as just 'the US govt' as much as i see it as alpha animal behavior. by alpha animal i mean a creature that will do whatever it takes to be and remain alpha. whatever it takes, just as long as 'they get theirs'. it seems to be built right into natural process.and each of these alpha groups, no matter where they're located seem more than willing to tell a version of the story that puts them in the best light. i'd rather point these things out than try to harp on 'this govt/group did this and this govt/group did this...'. for me, if i DO know who's responsible for some things being the way they are, there's no real need to try to convince others. i just go ahead and act on what i think is true.it would seem we all act from our convictions, whatever they may be. and we arrive at these convictions however we may. i lived and accrued information however/from where ever i could, hoping that it might be close to true... but i know how, like the game of telephone, hand me down information can be. and how, many times, it will be purposefully misrepresented by those with a certain agenda. but then there's this REALly inconvenient question i keep coming to... so what IF your govt is perpertrating atrocities against some groups? are you going to arm yourself and take them on? or is this all just an exercise to help exorcise the guilt by association? i don't suggest anything except to live life in a way that makes you a good person in your own eyes...so many of the opposing/conflicting views here seem to already be doing that. so i'll stop now... thanks, btw, for all the insights into your process/es...
poe426 If not for uncensored news outlets like DEMOCRACY NOW! or LINK TV, most of us wouldn't know a thing about books (and documentaries) like DIRTY WARS. The documentary is genuinely suspenseful and often as painful as a "double tap." (For those who don't know, a "double tap" is when a drone is sent in to kill someone targeted by the U.$. government and a SECOND drone or missile attack is launched at the exact same spot minutes later to kill anyone who has arrived to aid the initial victim.) "America knows war," a U.$.-backed Somali warlord boasts: "They are masters of War." In Virginia and North Carolina, hundreds of millions of gallons of poison (including arsenic) have been accidentally dumped into rivers; the Tar Sands pipeline has been built without "official approval"; the Trans-Pacific Partnership (which has been likened to the disastrous North American Free Trade Agreement "on steroids") is being slipped in through the back door of the Blight House; RADCAST.org reminds us on a daily basis that radiation levels are dangerously high around this company- uh, country; attorney Mike Papantonio gives regular run-downs on the latest Medical malpractices going on worldwide (Tylenol causes liver damage, for instance); there are 8 Million pounds of contaminated beef being recalled (and one local grocery chain is having- get this- a "25% off meat sale"); there's formaldehyde in soft drinks (and all plastics, including packaging); there are new oil spills and fires in Louisiana (we see a string of oil tankers apparently burning in the middle of a clearly visible oil slick); pockets of frozen methane in the Arctic may begin to thaw, ere long, and bring about yet another Extinction Event; between 80,000 and 100,000 protesters turned up at a recent Moral Monday protest here and not one local news outlet mentioned it (not that I saw); millionaires and billionaires (many of whom dressed in drag) met in a closed-door meeting to belittle the poor in this Fascist Plutocracy; the top three causes of Death in this country are 1. Heart Disease 2. Cancer 3. Medical Malpractice (450, 000 cases a YEAR!); undercover footage showing Bubbas in Idaho torturing and- get this- sexually assaulting farm animals in slaughterhouses came to light and suddenly there's a ban on undercover exposes; and only people like Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez and Thom Hartmann and a handful of others free of corporate control bother to try to get the Truth out to us. Listen closely, people. Time's a'wastin'. Or maybe I'm just being para---
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