Different for Girls
Different for Girls
| 01 October 1996 (USA)
Different for Girls Trailers

Paul reunites with his schoolmate Kim, and finds out she's actually a woman who has transitioned since they last met. She has no desire to stir up the past and they start to fall in love, but Paul's immaturity gets them in trouble.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
johnf5368 It is not very offen that you see a film and you know that it is one you want to see over and over again and then you want to have the DVD, its story is so easy to follow but there is something that the actor have put into it that makes you watch. I could see this being a play very easy but the film is one were you can sit down with friends on your own and if you are old enough ( I am )you will know the music the places and the dancing this is a film for the girls for the boys and both together the bike training on the open ground with Kim at the front is great still as fresh now as it was in 1996 when it came out ...
cascade2021 I saw this enchanting film for the first time on BBC TV last night and I have to say it blew me away. It tugged on my heartstrings in a way no movie has for years. Steven Mackintosh is nothing short of superb as Kim and Rupert Graves is great as the cheeky-but-likable Prentice. Like a lot of people, this probably isn't a film I would normally have looked out for and, if I hadn't been tuned to BBC 1 at the time I'd probably have never have seen it. I'd love to add this to my collection but wouldn't you know it? Can't get it in the UK, not even on Ebay, which is disgraceful for film actually made in the UK. I'll have to import a copy from the US and put it away until it's time to replace my existing region 2 DVD player.
ultraskip Predictable like an unsalted Saltine, this movie takes what could have been a rich an entertaining story and creates an intriguing blend of indifference.Unsurprises meet us at every turn. Boy meets... uh, Girl. Boy loses Girl. Boy wins Girl story. The mere addition of a post-op TS does not make for a compelling movie. Add on top of that bland performances by the title characters with all the dynacism of a glass of prune juice. And the extraneous plot lines of their work, his girlfriend (wouldn't you have liked to see a confrontation here?) and her relationship with her sister's family are just as undeveloped, if not vacuous.Maybe this is a tour de force for post-ops everywhere, but it's really tour de flat.If not for the music, it would be among the worst movies I have ever seen. Two stars out of Ten.
midastouch .SPOILER!!!! I saw the movie for the first time last night, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The performances by the two lead characters were not only believable, but touching as well.The most enjoyable aspect of the movie (and what could easily be missed if you miss the shower scene at the very beginning of it) is the twist in the story at the very end. In the shower scene, we see a young Prentice coming to the defence of and comforting a schoolmate after being picked on by a group of bullies/students for being queer. The assumption is made that the boy Prentice "rescues" is Kim/Karl. However, we only realize near the end of the movie when Kim/Karl's before and after photos are published by the newspaper that he was actually NOT the rescued boy, but one of the bullies instead.All in all, the movie is a really good watch, and I would definitely see it again....