R | 13 January 2004 (USA)
Detention Trailers

A heroic high school teacher leads a band of students trapped in school by violent drug-runners.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
adonis98-743-186503 A heroic high school teacher leads a band of students trapped in school by violent drug-runners. Detention is directed by Sidney J. Furie the man who gave us the 1987 Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (i still like that movie tho sorry not sorry) and despite a pretty cool concept the way that it's executed? It's far from a good one and even more far from an actual good and memorable Dolph Lundgren movie plus most of the acting? Was way over the top and hard to even be taken seriously even for a few seconds at least. Detention is pretty bad actually. (0/10)
richieandsam DETENTIONYou know it is never a good sign when you can honestly say the best actor in the movie is Dolph Lundgren.This film is bad... the story is nothing new. The acting was terrible. and there were so many things in this film that were so pathetic is was unbelievable. I mean, the bad guys looked like they belonged in Layztown. They could not shoot a non moving target, let alone students running away from them.There was one scene where it felt like the A-Team. The students were hiding out in the Gym at their school, but in the gym just so happened to be an archery set all ready for them.I still don't fully understand why the bad guys were in the school in the first place.Honestly, this is a really bad B movie... funny in places, but not for the right reasons.I will give this film 4 out of 10.Dolph is lucky Stallone even called him for the Expendables after this film.For more of my reviews, please like my Facebook page: Reviews/456572047728204?ref=hl
Stephan Klose To slightly correct my summary line: It's not all bad. It begins portraying a High-School in what I can, as a European Citizen, a very bad neighborhood. Every Kid has an attitude. Well after a phone call it gets clear that Lundgren got a very good offer for another job in a good neighborhood. So he gives his resignation immediately. The Pricipal sticks him with Detention for some very bad kids. Well then some drug dealers arrive and are planning a big deal and have a good plan for an exit. Which would by the way be totally unnecessary in real live and is completely a lot of stress for nothing.. I don't know why they planned that. Well what shall I say.. Bad guys in the school (since they want to make there drug deal there because they think nobody would suspect anything). Well guess what: Dolph Lundren and the brats (well older ones but still brats) unite to get out of school alive. In the beginning nobody likes anyone else but then.. well guess what.. They find a way to work together and do what is always being done. Kill one of the bad guys after the next. Since the badguys wisely go around alone... They would have a much greater chance if they went together in higher numbers they could take their enemies. But of course then the kids couldn't take them and the movie would be a lot shorter. But now: 1 Guy against some kids plus sometimes Dolph when he is not alone doing, well what he does.. Oh and I forgot: In the real beginning.. when the DVD Player says: 00:00:01 you begin to see him as part of a special unit in bosnia ten years ago where he is helping children out of a building that's going to be bombed. But with one kid he is too late, the kid is taken by a terrorist.. Well after that it switches to the school and so it begins... regards, Stephan from Austria But: It's not boring to watch.. you just have to sit there and watch. You don't have to think.. If you are looking just to be entertained, well this movie is kinda like Die Hard, but cheaper.
beretta92fs_inox This is the kind of movie that wants to be good but sucks. First thing, what the hell are those punk trying to do with the school? I think the kids doesn't seem to realize the gravity of the situation. Deker guy say to the girl that they under his responsibility when she ask why he wants to go back for them but right after this he gives a gun to the wheel chair dude and wants him to go alone repair the phone line. Where is the responsibility there? I understand poor actors must pay their food but why not just give them the money that takes to make a stupid movie like that or give that money to a charity. Oh yea and none of them knows how to aim. The stupid punk guy shoots in the cafeteria nowhere like a crazy. They all want to look professional but they all suck. One more thing I don't believe that there's no emergency exit in the school the kids are trying several doors but they all locked. What happens if there's a fire and the dumass security guard is dead? It is illegal to not have an emergency exit in school. Anyway there's a lot more to say but it would be too long. I spent some time of my life to watch a crap.
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