| 16 January 2010 (USA)
Detention Trailers

A group of high school students are sent to Detention. Abandoned and locked in, images of Ghosts appear as they attempt to escape, only to find themselves connected to a past horrific death and made responsible for it with their lives.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Ashman711711 the two stars is because I'm feeling kind. I first wanted to watch this from seeing a preview where it looked like a satire on the teen slasher genre. Instead what we are served with is an incomprehensible plot (even by the ghost wanting revenge premise)It starts out promising enough with prank gone wrong in the past cliché' then fast forward to the present and it goes downhill from there.We get the typical stereotyped students a la' the Breakfast Club, a mysterious teacher who we all know, she knows more than she's letting on, a mix of possessed student and murdering spirit, also a tarnished memory of Carradine by appearing in this dredge of a flick.The effects were bad even for the budget- more reminiscent of early Syfy channel stuff. the plot which could have been good, became a convoluted mess. I took me some patience to get through this movie, the boredom and just waiting for the GD end can make one border on the suicidal. in short it's not worth watching even to mock(unlike such treasures as Troll2) unless you're brain dead, don't waste your time.
roseybaby63-59-43149 I wanted to like this movie. I really did. The premise sounded promising enough. What's not to like about teenagers being hunted down and killed by a ghost? Sadly, this movie answers that question.The story starts out with a guy being locked and left in an incinerator at the high school. A bolt of lightning somehow causes him to be burned alive. That seemed like a decent set up. Then we cut to present day, some 30 odd years later. The whole school is going to some big game except for seven teens who have detention, the assistant coach, I think and the new teacher. A huge storm hits and it's raining and there's lightning and they become trapped int he school because of flooding. It appears that the ghost of the guy who died is taking revenge by killing the kids of those who caused his death.Even with all this set up, cliché or not, the movie never lives up to any potential it might have had. The build up is slow and doesn't really build up to anything significant. The deaths happen off screen, so there's not even some nice, gory effects. The whole thing becomes muddled, especially when you get to the 'twist' ending. None of it ends up making sense. There's no consistency or flow. There's too many questions as well. Why were bodies moved around? Who moved them? What the heck???? The ending is ridiculous and contradicts the set up. The only reason I gave this a 3 is because I rather enjoyed when the one character goes crazy...or is possessed??? I just don't know. When the guy goes off the deep end, it's like he's channeling a dark and scary Jim Carey. That amused me greatly and was, I think, the best part of the whole movie. All I can say is I'm glad I didn't pay to see this.
chefy68 While I dig the craptastic horror genre for being entertaining, this movie does nothing. It makes no sense, has horrible special effects, terrible acting, crappy wardrobe, and some of the worst editing I have ever seen.The first scene showing the nerd being flamed in an incinerator was just plain bad, and the effects never get better. From the fake lightning to the lighting from nowhere when there is no power in the school screams crap.Editing... quite early on the scene in the basement with the 2 maintenance guys, over the scene, the old guy puts on his gloves like 3 times during the conversation. Things like this occur all the way to the end when the last survivors are outside after a nights total downpour and the ground is totally dry.David Carradine's coat he wears fits him like something a homeless man would wear because it's all he could find in a garbage can, and I won't go into his hair.The story itself makes no sense, and jumps from theory to theory with nothing tying anything to anything.Bottom line, I like bad movies at times. This one was the worst thing I have seen, a complete waste of time. How they had a 2M budget is beyond me. Must have gone towards blow and hookers for the guy who made it... Sad piece of wasted film.
Boloxxxi Lame horror effort of the trapped-in-a-building-with-something- that-wants-to-kill-me type. In this instance the building is a school; the trapped are students who were serving detention; and the something is the ghost of some nerd who was locked in an incinerator by the parents of said students some years ago as a prank, and as well: to get even with him for hanging out with the lead prankster's girlfriend.This movie is amateurishly done. Ah hell, let me just say it. IT'S A STUPID MOVIE! Why? ---Because the writing and directing is lousy. Have you ever had food from a restaurant or some take-out place that was really bad? Just some sloppy, greasy, tasteless mess, perhaps? And you wonder if the restaurant people are really that incompetent or is it that they don't care enough about what they do? About you? I kinda had that feeling a bit with this movie. When anyone gives or serves you anything and it's crap, you have 2 options: to believe they don't know any better, or to believe they do, but just don't care enough about you or what they do."That they don't know any better" is probably true for the young people in this movie who came off as annoying and unlikable to me. But realistically you can't blame them since they're just mouthing and doing what an incompetent writer and director has told them. Put yourself in their place; young, inexperienced, needing the job and/or the opportunity. Someone comes along and shows them a script. What're they gonna say? "This is so, so, stupid! And I'm so, so, not doing it?" --Of course not! They're trusting (and perhaps even hoping) that these people are professionals and know what they're doing. --Besides, David Carradine is in it, a seasoned actoooor. So they might have been impressed; figured if he's doing this sh*t, who're they to turn their noses up and say: "This is so, so, stupid! And I'm so, so, not doing it." Love, Boloxxxi.