Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter
R | 01 June 2005 (USA)
Demon Hunter Trailers

After resolving a situation of exorcism, the half-breed demon hunter Jake Greyman (Sean Patrick Flanery) reports to Cardinal White (William Bassett) and they realize that the demon Asmodeus (Billy Drago) is impregnating many mortals trying to raise offspring. Cardinal White calls Sister Sarah Ryan (Colleen Porch) to assist Jake in his hunting for Asmodeus and his women.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
create A Fallen Angel/Demon, Asmodeus (Billy Drago), wants to fornicate with pretty girls and impregnate them with his..."devil spawn". He hangs out in LA and goes after all the wannabe models. A victim calls the Catholic Church's Bad Dating Hotline, and asks for help. They send over GQ coverboy Jacob Greyman (Sean Patrick Flanery), Demon Hunter; and Sister Sarah Ryan (Colleen Porch), the shapely nun who must have found God off the fashion runways of New York. They set out to save LA by taking off their clothes (love the lacy underwear worn by nuns), and getting into the line of...Demon Fire.Somehow, this isn't a porno film. Maybe it was because they had serious actors. Or maybe it was because they had bad actors emoting to what the film makers believed were serious situations. Take for example the head of the Demon Hunting outfit, Cardinal White. William Bassett plays Cardinal White as if he had just stepped off the Kandahar front in Afghanistan. He lets the audience know that he has been saving Sister Sarah for just such a mission…as if she were the new Demon Fighter, Jason-a Bourne - complete with designer dresses, pumps and layered haircuts.In the meantime, Jacob is hanging around with Asmodeus' demon hitwoman (Tania Deighton) who wants Greyman's..."dark soul" as a trophy. Or maybe she just wants something else. Anyway, she spends half the movie making out with him...and exchanging horns, or something.There is a lot of primping and posing and demon faces in this movie. But you would have to expect it with this type of film. It is by no means a good film. But it is unintentionally funny.
Scarecrow-88 Jake Greyman(Sean Patrick Flanery)is a "half-breed", a hellspawn born from a mortal whose father was a demon, one of the devil's angels. Jake has a rather bleak view of mankind, yet, despite not be loved by God, works for the Cardinal of a Catholic Church, hunting down the possessed and killing the host bodies if priests are unable to exorcise the demons. Billy Drago(..relishing this role)is the Demon of Lust, Asmodeus, and he plans to spread his seed, creating an army of half-breeds to do his will, by devouring the souls of hookers and "women of the street" on the seedy side of downtown LA, and the Red Light District. Colleen Porch is Sister Sarah, a nun who developed very well in the convent, is assigned to partner with Jake as they pursue Asmodeus. Asmodeus has a luscious, seductive horned succubus in a leather suit with wings(..often as Jake and Sarah move from one location to the next we see a wing flap open at the top left hand corner of the screen)keeping an eye on Jake, curious of his activities. The succubus believes she can cast her spell over Jake and possess him to follow Asmodeus..will Jake allow darkness to envelope him? Can Jake actually succeed in upending the forces of darkness far more powerful than anything he's ever faced? What Jake doesn't know is that the Cardinal has been keeping a secret hidden from him concerning Sarah. Asmodeus desires Sarah, an innocent he yearns to possess and impregnate. William Bassett is Cardinal White, the one who gives out orders for Jake to accomplish, much to his chagrin. As Jake, Flannery remains solemn throughout, a man whose life doesn't amount to much, except what he's skilled at, removing anyone or thing that threatens his goals to take out demons possessing humans. Nancy Yooin is Nancy in the film, a prostitute who married a 90 year old millionaire and is the last on a list of girls to be possessed and planted with a demon seed after Asmodeus seduces her with overwhelming ecstasy. I'm always amused when they cast these women like Porch as nuns, so we can see her, out of habit, in a tight dress and shirt(..with a coat to dress her in a modest means of reducing her obvious sexy figure), so we can later see them absent clothing( a bra, but still, we can see that she's no ordinary nun). There's an emphasis on action in this one and a brooding Flannery toned an athletic body for this film, allowed to combat men and the possessed with considerable ease, using martial arts. In truth, it's easy to see in Flannery's fight with Drago, that it's staged with stuntmen through the use of quick edits and fast camera work. We can see that there was some "wire-fu" as well particularly when Flannery has to contend with demon possessed humans in flight. There was a lot more nudity than I has anticipated and some moderate gore. If one thing is missing, you don't get a whole lot of graphic violence, most of Jake's dirty work is committed off-screen, which is always a drag to me. I guess one could call Demon Hunter a poor man's Constantine, because this was shot on a much smaller scale considering it's overly ambitious plot.
siderite As low budget horror movies with demons and hunters, this one was pretty good. Sean Patrick Flannery is a half breed and Billy Drago is evil (wow, what a surprise :) ). Evil is as evil does, but Mr Drago, at his 57 years and 86 appearances, still gets to be surrounded by lustful naked women and to lick the skin of helpless girls.The basic story is pretty cliché, with things added up from different stories of the genre: half-demon demon hunter works for the Church. But Sean Patrick Flannery makes a good role and carries the entire movie on his back.Bottom line: this was not a good movie, but as the movies in this category go, this was one of the best. Beats Blade on story and acting, but it is low budget, so no special effects.
anitguy Jake (Sean Patrick Flanery), a half-breed demon hunter, struggling with the side he has chosen with the war between heaven and hell. Finds himself facing off against an 'unbound' fallen angel, played by Billy Drago, who seeks to spread his "demon seed" upon the Earth.After watching this movie, I cannot see why others are comparing it to Constantine. Doing so would be like comparing Vampire Hunter D and Van Helsing, they have similar roots but take things from different perspectives.I took this movie at face value and went from there; it is a low budget film with cheesy effects, some gaping holes in the plot, and almost funny fight scenes. But when you look at how many other movies out there have similar story lines, you can see why it would be so hard to stand out in this genre.All in all, it's not a bad "rainy day" type flick; ranks up there with a series pilot that never took off...or like someone posted before, a B-level movie.