Deep Web
Deep Web
NR | 15 March 2015 (USA)
Deep Web Trailers

Deep Web gives the inside story of one of the most important and riveting digital crime sagas of the century -- the arrest of Ross William Ulbricht, the 30-year-old entrepreneur convicted of being 'Dread Pirate Roberts,' creator and operator of online black market Silk Road. As the only film with exclusive access to the Ulbricht family, Deep Web explores how the brightest minds and thought leaders behind the Deep Web and Bitcoin are now caught in the crosshairs of the battle for control of a future inextricably linked to technology, with our digital rights hanging in the balance.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
ggiulia The underlying message in this documentary is about seeking peace and avoiding violence... why do they interview and portray in a favourable way Cody Wilson, who, as far as I get it, is commercializing a DIY printable gun? Cody also speaks highly of Ross Ulbricht, whose goal seems to be eliminating the use of force in society. This contradicting aspect of the documentary I really didn't get. Having said this, Ulbricht's story seems heartwrecking and it doesn't sound like he had a fair trial.
tekkster If you want a story of digital crime and punishment in the 2010s, and some background to help demystify these headlines, Deep Web is the right documentary for you.The director is Alex Winter. That's right, the actor who played Bill in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Oh, and Keanu Reeves narrates. Seriously. That might make this enterprise sound silly, but Winter and the producers did an exceptional job of rounding up not only passionate dissidents but law enforcement officials involved in the case, ultimately presenting a spread of perspectives.
AudioFileZ The Dark Web is a red herring title as the documentary here is almost in it's entirety about the dark net web site Silk Road and it's alleged founder Ross Ulbricht. Perhaps 10% of the movie speaks to the actual creation and on going nature of the so called "Dark Web". That said, the case involving Ross Ulbricbht is just as interesting, maybe even more important as much of how anyone's freedom in cyberspace will play out.If like me you've read several articles about Ross Ullbricht and The Silk Road you likely vacillated between believing he's a criminal or martyr. You'll be a bit more in the middle post viewing The Dark Web, even leaning toward thinking he's a naive idealist in the pursuit of a fantasy world with total freedom and non-oppression for all. No matter how guilty or innocent he may be he was convicted of, the fact that this idealism was tied to a lucrative drug trade, It doomed him. If he could have set up a marketplace for just about anything legally acceptable he would be a visionary. So, in the end you feel he was somewhat unfairly crushed by the powers that be, but he actually went too far by asking for it. Perhaps his goal to be a martyr was achieved as his ideas live on. In the documentary The Dark Web you feel less than impressed however. You really didn't learn much about the actual dark web and you are really conflicted as to if Ulbricht got what he deserved or was a victim of grossly misused judicial power. This is a confusing piece of film from the title to the end credits.
Hans Bedlam If you're looking for a movie about the Deep Web. This is not the movie for you. It was more about a guy getting screwed over by the government. It was nicely done and made it's point. But it never answered anything about the deep web. I was hoping for something other than the stuff that you can find on the web or you tube videos. As far as the government's war on drugs it's never going to win. People that want to get high are going to find a way to get high. It's just like if someone wants someone else dead it's going to happen and you can pass 1,000,000 new laws and it's not going to change a thing. I made my first rifle when I was 8 and that was without the Internet. Just a Public Library and the Dewey decimal system.