Decoding Annie Parker
Decoding Annie Parker
R | 02 May 2014 (USA)
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The lives of a breast-cancer patient and a researcher who is trying to prove a genetic link to cancer intersect in a groundbreaking study.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
leonblackwood Review: This movie really did touch me, because a couple of my family members have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. The emotional strain that this terrible disease puts on a family, was shown in this movie and I must admit, it did bring a tear to my eye. The fact that they haven't found a cure for this disease, is extremely worrying for everybody in day to day life, so when Mary-Claire King found a connection through the family gene it was truly an amazing thing. More and more people are testing for the disease, especially if it's in there family, so this movie brought to light how certain cancers are passed through our siblings, genetically. The performance from Samantha Morton is excellent, especially when she was going through chemo the second time and the technical side of Mary-Claire's work is easy to understand and interesting to follow. It did seem like the film was made for TV, mainly because I have seen a lot of movies that cover this subject matter on TV but it's still an emotional drama which I thoroughly enjoyed. I will warn you to have a box of tissues next to you when you watch this film because it's an touching roller-coaster that a lot of people can relate to. Enjoyable!Round-Up: This is the first movie written and directed by Steven Bernstein, who done a great job by bringing a medical milestone to light. It didn't get the big distribution treatment like a lot of uninteresting movies that I have seen lately, which is a shame because the subject matter is becoming more popular to households across the world. I must admit, you do have to be in the right frame of mind before you watch this film because it does touch many issues which can be a bit too  emotional for people who are suffering with cancer. With that aside, it's still worth a watch, just to see what Marie-Claire had to go through to bring her findings to light.I recommend this movie to people who are into their dramatic movies starring Rashida Jones, Aaron Paul, Helen Hunt, Samantha Morten, Alice Eve, Maggie Grace, Corey Stoll and Ben McKenzie. 6/10
Tony Heck "If you knew those codes could you change your future?" Annie Parker (Morton) has watched her mother, father and sister all die of cancer. After dealing with all of that she is told that she too has breast cancer. While going through treatment she begins to wonder why she got it. She starts off on a life long research project to find out if breast cancer is hereditary. At the same time Dr. King (Hunt) is trying to figure out the same thing, only she has to deal with not getting the funding she needs. This is a true story of the almost cure for cancer. Obviously the fact that this movie deals with cancer it will be emotional but not in the way you expect. This movie will make you mad, very mad. Knowing how close Dr. King was getting but at the same time being blocked at the funding level because the powers that be didn't think it was important enough. This was in the 70's when she started. Just imagine where we would be today if she got what she needed! This is an important movie that should be seen. I recommend this. Overall, a very important movie but not a movie to rent for straight entertainment. Morton is great. I give it a B+.
bethnlarrypfeiffersr I had the marvelous opportunity of viewing this film during a premiere in Ambler, PA, outside of Philadelphia. It follows both heroines, Annie Parker and Dr. Marie-Claire King. Both know in their soul that there is a link among family members who have had breast cancer. Both have an indomitable spirit. The director films this not as a documentary but in a style that has you relating to both women and their supporters. It is poignant, funny, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching and lovely. I laughed, I cried, I empathized. If I could give more than 10 stars I would! Annie Parker in the film is so much like the the woman is in reality. I was also impressed with the portrayal of Dr. King whom I have also met. I highly recommend everyone seeing this so as to understand that family history is just one part of why we get cancer. But is so very important. Start a family tree. If you see a pattern, get to a Genetic Counselor to find out if there's a need for testing. Dr. King has only scratched the surface of this link between genetics and cancer. Get educated and most of all, pay it forward. You never know when you will touch someone and save a life!
mgallece Excellent! One of the most truthful treatments on the topic delivered with passion and humor. You don't have to be touched by breast cancer to be touched by this wonderful film.The history of Annie Parker and her family are beautifully meshed with the story of the search for the genetic mutations that increase cancer risk. It's spot on and educational without being preachy or glossing over the very real issues that researchers and patients face. It's interspersed with humor at all the right moments to prevent it from becoming a dark and depressing experience.Congratulations to all who had the tenacity and passion to step up and make this film. We need more films like this!
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