| 17 May 2003 (USA)
Deathlands Trailers

Following the destruction caused on Earth by nuclear weapons, Ryan Cawdor returns after twenty years to a ravaged part of Virginia he used to call home, where his brother and stepmother plotted to kill his father, the baron. With his companions in tow, he has come to take on the empire of tyranny that has been built all around this wasteland in his absence.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
BloodTheTelepathicDog SPOILERS I began with the Outlanders series of books and just recently started reading the Deathlands series. James Axler, or the conglomeration of writers using his name, are erratic story-tellers at best. You aren't reading Poe or James when you open an Axler book, just mindless post apocalyptic cheese. I really don't understand the bad reviews written here. I entered the film with trepidation - what with the combination of Traci Lords and a Sci-Fi Channel production (which spell disaster) - but this was actually quite entertaining although minus some ingredients from the book - which can be overlooked by the casual fan of the series but not the fanatic. Traci Lords didn't kill the picture and this is handedly the best Sci-Fi original ever produced.VIOLENCE: $$$$ (There is one scene that glorifies bloodletting, when Ryan saves Jak and blows a group of slow-on-the-uptake baddies to bloody pieces. This scene was sensationalized and didn't need all the damn blood - filmmakers seem to subscribe to the excess-is-best theme nowadays. The final shootout scene was terrible though. Ryan and his group basically enter into an ambush but no one even gets close to being hit by gunfire).STORY: $$$ (Although it doesn't follow the Deathlands book verbatim, the screenwriters do a passable job. Many of the lines that are prevalent in the books are used - such as Kyrsty referring to Ryan as "lover" and everyone employing the typical series curses like "fireblast" and double-stupe" which are far preferable than the usual X-rated dialogue we get with tasteless flicks like Scarface).NUDITY: None, this is a Sci-Fi original but there is a plethora in the book series).ACTING: $$$ (The acting could have been better, as well as the casting. Dix was easily the worst casting job in the film but Cliff Saunders did a good job with what was given him - he's just not J.B. Dix. When reading the books I always envisioned David Keith as Ryan but Vincent Spano did a fine job in the lead, although the wardrobe department needs a swift kick to the backside with that Elton John feathery coat he sported. Jenya Lano did a stellar job as Krysty. She has come a long way as an actress, having first seen her in Full Moon's terrible horror film Shrieker in which she did little beyond looking pretty. I must say, her trading the blonde mane for a red one sure enhances her appeal. The kid who played Jak was fine - I was eager to see how they were going to portray Jak and the filmmakers did better than I had expected. Traci Lords adds the name to the picture and to be honest, although campy, she did a fine job in her role.
r_barton I've read most of the Deathlands books and this movie doesn't do any of them justice. The characters are stupid and the plot is so weak that it could have been written by a child ( no offense to the kiddies). I had hoped for some time that there would be a movie based on the books, now I'm not so sure that it should have been attempted. Perhaps some producer and director with some talent and a decent cash flow will do it some day and portray the stories in the manner they were meant to be told. This could be the next great action movie if done the way it should. It would help if the story started from the beginning, so that the viewers who have never read the books would get the idea of who these people are and what they are trying to do.
Deathlands2981 i think that for the most part the movie was okay. i would have found it a lot more enjoyable if i had not read some of the books first. i wasn't very pleased with Jak, who is my fav charecter in the book. he is supposed to be much more 'economical with words' and i didn't see him use one knife in the movie. Jak is supposed to be a knife fighter, though he does own a .357 Magnum. also, though not as important- his hair is supposed to be longer and he should have two scars on his face, one on his cheak and one on his nose. in addition to that, Jak does drive more then anyone else in the book. he does not need a drivers licens. i was very disappointed at the non-appearances of Lori and Doc, who are key charecters. also--i was not aware that anyone in the story had such good grammer. though not idiots, for the most part they are not really schooled, though most of them could read, not just ryan. overall i just found that there were to many differences from the book.
Perdicus Since when did Jak start speaking in full sentences? Since when did Krysty need her super-strength to beat up Traci Lords? Since when did crappy movies get rave reviews? O.K., nevermind that last one, but the first two still stand.This movie is a travesty to anyone who (like me) is a faithful reader of the "Deathlands" books. The actors mouth familiar words like "fireblast" and the like, but overall they're just going through the motions (and what is with Ryan's "pimp daddy" coat? I ask you!). The early scenes of young Ryan getting his eye gouged out were O.K. (and doubly cringe-inducing for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fans--poor Xander!), but the rest was crap. The red filter over the camera lens was distracting, and a lame attempt to create the "blood red skies" of the Deathlands. You're better off listening to the Judas Priest song of the same name.I know, I shouldn't expect much from a made-for-TV movie, but even with lowered expectations, this movie isn't worth the film it was printed on.