Death in Brunswick
Death in Brunswick
R | 08 November 1992 (USA)
Death in Brunswick Trailers

A reserved man in need of a job, Carl Fitzgerald finds employment at a Greek restaurant. Upon meeting waitress Sophie, Carl begins dating the attractive woman. Though it seems things are improving for Carl, an unexpected situation leads to the death of Mustafa, a shady coworker, and Carl must figure out how to cover up the incident. Unsure of what to do, Carl enlists the help of his buddy, Dave, to get rid of Mustafa's corpse.

Steineded How sad is this?
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
jamie-colton A funny, dark comedy about a life changing episode of a 34 year old single man. Coming from a posh upbringing but a complete slacker, or so you are lead to believe. The confused man seems to aspire to more and meets a young (19) bar girl at his work where he has just become the struggling head cook. The clue to the twist is in the title, from being a romantic comedy with lovely little moments that echo your own ways in the early stages of dating. It then spins on it's head as an offbeat thriller, still just as funny though.The darker side to the film gives it's funniest moments, notably after paralysing his mother, he then controls her wheelchair with a remote control to get about. Also his best friend deserves a mention, great deadpan calmness, especially when burying the body.Maybe it is a little long for the story at hand but still well worth watching even if romance or thrillers aren't your thing as it has many other layers.
flossnthewind Great film. I worked with John a few years back on a short film that never got made. We had a great time and I really wish my movie went further. He was a great director to work with, had some odd ideas, but hey, that's awesome, and Death in Brunswick was a great Australian film. I reckon you , JOHN, should go all out and make that ideal dream film. The one with all your crazy, whacked out ideas. Like the one with the kids that buried their principle under the oval. That was seriously cool. Cant wait to see some more Ruane films. Hope you're still at it John. You kicked butt back then and I'm sure you still can. Well I'm running out of lines cause this thing says I need ten lines to submit it. OK I think that's enough.TySe
queen_of_anarchy that's rich!! THAT would have to be the best joke I have heard in years. Sighting the words "USA" & "Comedy" together in reference to a film or television show guides me to steer way clear - WARNING!!! OBVIOUS, UNSUBTLE GARBAGE MASQUERADING AS HUMOUR IS NIGH!!! When they published the dictionary in the States I'm sure they MUST have excluded words such as "irony" and "satire". For those of you who wonder how they tempted Sam Neill to be in such a small film - he's a good mate of John Clarke (they are partners in a film production company - he also appeared in one episode of The Games). He serves our film industry well. Between 2000 & 2005 he made approx 20 films - half of those were made for the local film industry (including one in New Zealand). Compare that to Nicole Kidman - 17 films in the same period and only 2 for the local film industry (and squeezing Moulin Rouge into that is pushing it - at least it used local crew & extras).
saugoof This is a great and inventive comedy. Although it does follow some tried and true paths, most of it is refreshingly new. There are even some great send up scenes of established movie cliches in it, the fight scene in the stairwell is a classic.It's a very Australian, even a very Melbourne movie. It catches the look and characters of Brunswick rather well. I don't know what director John Ruane did to convince Sam Neill to be a part of this small movie but it was certainly worth it, he fits the character perfectlyBest of all though, this has John Clarke in it. He could read the phone book and it'd great comedy.John Ruane hasn't really followed up on the promise of this movie yet, although last year's made for TV, "The love of Lionels life" was a step in the right direction.