| 20 May 2008 (USA)
Deadwater Trailers

When a WWII-era battleship, reactivated and deployed in the Persian Gulf for black-op interrogations, falls radio silent, an elite Marine task force, along with an NCIS investigator and two scientists, are sent to investigate. When the Marines arrive, they find nearly everyone on board slaughtered. The survivors join with the task force to hunt down the mastermind behind the attacks, a notorious terrorist named Fadawi who threatens their very survival.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Theo Robertson The Horror Channel announced this film was NAZI DAWN I had no idea what NAZI DAWN was about so looked up it on this site . Some silly story about six chicks getting involved with dead fascists . If nothing else it was a very recent film and I'd have the dubious privilege in being the first reviewer on the page . I did think it slightly strange that for a film where the protagonists were going to be slutty teenagers it starts on board a ship in the present day Persian Gulf . Within 20 minutes I started thinking there was a blooper somewhere and looked up the film roles of Lance Henriksen and Gary Stretch because this almost certainly wasn't the film that the Horror Channel claimed they were broadcasting .. And it wasn't , it was a 2008 film called BLACK OPSI'll watch NAZI DAWN whenever it gets broadcast and compare it to this one and in the meantime wonder if it might be better than this one which is a dark horror thriller . When I say " dark " I don't mean it has a gloomy downbeat atmosphere I mean someone has failed to pay the electricity bill which means it's almost impossible to see what is going on so you just have to concentrate on the dialogue which isn't up to much . By concentrating on what is being said you do notice something very unlikely and that is Henriksen and Stretch play characters of father and son . What's unlikely about this you ask ? Absolutely nothing except Henriksen talks with a heavy American accent and Stretch talks with a broad English accent . If you are expecting an explanation for this your hopes are raised when father character starts mentioning his wife and family and you expect him to say he sent his son off to public school in England but this goes totally unresolved and the story continues as the audience wander around in the dark on a visual and narrative level in this generic and muddled horror thriller
charlytully Both OUTPOST and DEADWATER (aka BLACK OPS on US d.v.d. box) debuted as direct-to-video releases in the US within 70 days last spring. Both low-budget flicks feature heavily-armed squads of U.S.-led special forces veterans battling super-human Nazi ghost officers in exotic locales and being slaughtered to the last man. (The only DEADWATER "survivor" is a demon-possessed woman.) But while OUTPOST's Balkan forest bunker is semi-realistic, the stripped-down S.S. Lane Victory does not give DEADWATER's crew much to work with (check out the "making of" to see how pedestrian the set actually was before some lame-ass CGI was added). To compensate for this obvious budget shortcoming, the DEADWATER group make a couple ghost-busters a ludicrous encumbrance to the SEAL squad led by Capt. John Willets (Lance Henriksen). The ghost-busters' equipment--especially the soon-to-be-possessed female's backpack--look like the kind of crap the video store clerks used as props for their 20-minute shorts in BE KIND REWIND. There is not a plausible moment in this movie, the attempt at a "scientific" explanation falls flat on its face, and Henriksen phones in his effort (which is not helped AT ALL by the coincidence of his only child being a crew member on the torture-brig he's sent to rescue). I mean, c'mon, instead of trying to provide a reasonable explanation for how a WWII Nazi's ectoplasm got bonded to the hull of a ship, try instead to explain WHY the Navy brass decided the best way to investigate this odd phenomenon would be to inexplicably do nothing for 60 years, then pretend to reactivate the never-named vessel as a floating Abu Gharib (a phrase the script uses twice), bring an impostor posing as "the Ace of Spades" super-terrorist to be tortured with teeth-pulling, etc. by unsuspecting U.S. torture contractors, and then--after 80% of the crew is slaughtered, send in even more expensively-trained warriors to get THEM massacred as well (topping it off by towing the demon hulk into a U.S. port and allowing the only survivor to mingle with civilians prior to debriefing or quarantine). If DEADWATER is used as a measuring stick, OUTPOST is 100% believable and its doomed mercenary squad leader D.C. (Ray Stevenson) should get an Oscar.
Jan Strydom Well, to say that BLACK OPS (a.k.a DEAD WATER) is Oscar gold would probably anger a lot of people who have seen it, but for me as a horror fan, it was like watching a movie with my TV turned off, everything that mainly took place in dark areas you couldn't see and the places that were supposed to be well lit, seemed like the light was cast by using very cheap bed lamps, honestly the lighting effects in this film are so poor adjusting your TV's contrast makes it look like your watching a fog bank, the storyline is uninteresting, plainly put, the acting seems decent but the dialog was poor so the acting is more shallow Overall, If you don't like a movie that mainly takes place in the dark and don't have an interesting storyline, well try something else of course.
tomas94 What could have been an OK movie, comes away as a just a decent one. That is mostly due to the part they had to involved the horror part in it. If the they just left it with a secret terrorist interrogation facility which become overrun by the terrorist held capture. Which then the black ops come and secure/rescue the sailors etc left alive on the ship. It could have become a good B-action/thriller movie but no they just had to make it a cheap horror/thriller movie instead which then fails badly on the horror part and is just decent on the thriller part. To return to the horror part why o why do they continue to go back bad Nazi science projects gone bad etc so they can make kind of cheap horror flick. It's so much easier to market and make money if they just went with the average b-action movie.Overall if you like cheap horror movies is for you. The rest well it i'sent any good really.