Dead Men Can't Dance
Dead Men Can't Dance
R | 17 April 1997 (USA)
Dead Men Can't Dance Trailers

To stamp out the threat of nuclear war, a special ops team must travel to North Korea to carry out a covert mission to destroy a nuclear power plant. Everything does not go as planned. Their communications are cut off and they must remember their survival training to get them through.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
GG Raz 2012 Comments--Good for 1997 Tech No reviews in a while, so here is mine:OK the plot is relevant to current events- imagine that!! Art imitates life. I could speed up a few spots, but c.g.I. was just coming out, I think.The movie started & ended well and that matters. Lead acting was pretty good. So raw. & not high-tech, & a snooze or two, but better than many mindless tales still being produced. If you like to see females in action and you like nuclear topics, you could enjoy it --why not?CIA meets Army rangers -- Females had balls!! just saying. Probably not for under 40-ish crowd with action-addiction.
chris-2567 I have a hard time giving this movie a 1 star (awful), simply because, I did not want to degrade all the other movies that are rated 1 star.I missed the beginning, but I assume, they went to a strip club, found 6 hot women, and gave them guns and tight uniforms, made them "Rangers" of all things and sent them to North Korea to destroy a nuke plant. This movie is predictable and annoying. Bad acting, lots of male ego, women crying on the battlefield, this movie just plain sucks.Personally, I have yet to see a worse movie.... I have seen diaper and paper towel commercials that had better plots and better character development than this gem.
Eric This movie was bad. And i usually like the low budget military movies. The only thing that i even half liked about the movie was the knife fight between Michael Bien and Adrian Paul. And it was kinda crappy. You would think with two action movie and tv show veterans like them at least the fight scenes would be better than they were. Ah hell. I could barely sat through the movie once. NEVER AGAIN
Kaymarie I wanted so much to like a movie staring my two favorite actors--Adrian Paul and Michael Biehn. I'm not your crazed fan type. . .but somehow these two men have stuck in my imagination. Both have (for the most part) appeared in works with good scripts and intelligent characters.Why this turkey? The story line-- women saving a male black ops team in Korea-- was painful. The film looked as if it had been shot with an old 8mm on a budget of $1.95.I hope my favorite guys had a good time or got paid a lot of money. It was painful to watch.