Dead in the Water
Dead in the Water
R | 12 February 2002 (USA)
Dead in the Water Trailers

Young, rich, and randy Gloria (Dominique Swain) takes the family motorboat for some fun in the sun off the coast of Brazil. Along with her are her longtime boyfriend Danny (Scott Bairstow), his best friend Jeff (Henry Thomas), and the son of an important and infinitely influential client, Marcos (Sebastian DeVicente). It probably wasn't a good idea to take three gorgeous men the same age out on a boat with a bikini-clad beauty who lately has been questioning her relationship with her main squeeze, but it gets even worse than expected. There's tragedy, betrayal, and more tragedy as the faulty value systems of the wealthy brats spin out of control.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Raul Faust The imprudence of some young accidentally cause someone's death. Except it didn't happen last summer. A couple (boy and girl) go to a trip with two other horny males. Guess what? Of course, the other guys want the pretty girl and that provokes lots of fights. Thought we couldn't know it from the get go, Gloria shows how naughty she is. The extra actors are all lame and probably Brazilian; I don't think our country has only bad actors, but unfortunately, they are the majority. Directing, soundtrack and filmography of "Dead in the Water" are all terrible and amateurish. What really saves the film is the plot; the writer made a good job with the story, entertaining with a mysterious atmosphere to only reveal the real characters in the end. Some things end up unanswered, but, through the development of the characters and their behaviors, we get all of it. It's a shame they didn't invest in this film, producing it with so low- budget; I really hope (but doubt) they remake it with a decent director and budget...
i_am_bernie_g What can I say about this movie? It was a pretty decent suspense movie. The plot of this movie is three young people taking a cruise and having to take a son of a coworker of Swain's father in the movie. The cruise turns out to be deadly. But if I ever watch it again, it will be for one reason and one reason only. 5 words: Dominique Swain in a bikini. That's all you need to know. Henry Thomas was cool as the guy who obviously wanted Swain's character. I envied every guy in that movie who put their hands on her. As she is quite lovely. Because, as I've said before, there is only one particular reason for seeing this movie: Dominique Swain in a bikini throughout the movie. Enough said.
lemon_magic I see a lot of conflicting opinions about "Dead In The Water", which doesn't surprise me. I think the filmmakers actually succeeded in making the movie they set out to make, but the film they wanted to make is pretty "noir" and cynical in its approach, and will definitely not appeal to many people. James Cain would feel right at home with a story like this, as would Cornell Woolrich and Jim Thompson. James Ridley might write a story like this, or Lawrence Block in one of his grimmer moods.I caught DITW on cable late one night - the title pulled me in, and while the plot and the characters and the dialog were irritating enough to make me change the channel repeatedly, it was still the most interesting thing going on at that hour and I kept coming back to it (a bit like drinking Everclear or poking at a scab). Then it appeared again a couple of nights later, and I decided to make myself sit all the way through it to see what the deal was and why it hacked me off but made me want to watch it. Here's my conclusion: There's a certain morbid fascination with a film like this, as things go from OK, to bad, to worse, to awful, to screamingly awful to over-the-top lunacy by small steps, with each step inexorably developing from the previous one and driven by the logic of the situation and the moral bankruptcy of the characters. And there's a perverse glee and relief in seeing such attractive/social elite young people (who would normally stare right through you at the airport as they bopped along to their next fabulous resort stay) start to act like human hyenas as they grow more and more desperate. So if you like stories where people screw up big time and prove once again that humans are no damn good, this is the movie for you. Soccer moms and other faithful subcribers to the Disney Worldview should stay far, far away.Kudos to the four actors for fine jobs in carrying out the director's vision; also, as other reviewers have noticed, beautiful soundtrack and great photography.
NewBeanz Beautiful Cinematography and great Brazilian music. This is what this movie seems to be about for the first 20 minutes. But it's not, it's about good actors and a good plot... It may seem to go a bit slow at times but it's only 90 min or less... And the end will certainly get you thinking about it for days... 6/10