Dead Cert
Dead Cert
| 26 August 2010 (USA)
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A gang of tough London gangsters get more than they bargained for when a group of businessmen make an offer to buy their club, the Inferno. They turn out to be nothing less than Vampires wanting their land back and turn viciously on the gangsters when their demands are not met.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
siderite British thugs meet vampires, but not for at least 45 minutes. Then it's still slow. The vampires speak crappy Romanian and have Slav names and act like they are retarded, while the thugs are behaving like pussycats.It's a waste of good acting, if you ask me, with a lot of British actors that I've seen playing heavy roles in cool films now being forced to work on this lame rip off of From Dusk Till Dawn. There is no humour, no real fun, little action and a lot of talking that makes no sense nor brings any meaning to an otherwise bland script.So this is not as much as a failure as it's a boring failure. The little bit of actual horror, the helplessness feeling when the vampires arrive, is lost in a uninspired story.
arfdawg-1 Yikes! What a complete and total waste of film. It's a bore fest. I'm not really sure why so many directors these days think that slow means dramatic.It means borrr-ring!You know the plot -- tuff guys with a fight club get involved with these businessmen and somehow vampires get involved!It's an amazingly dumb story line made worse by the slowest exposition on the planet.I lost major interest about half way through and so will you. Avoid it like the plague.
kathyd777 I wanted to disbelieve the bad reviews so went ahead and watched it anyway.... Absolutely was a waste of time. Fair to say I stayed awake, but that was only because I kept waiting for the vampire parts to begin. And when they did, they didn't make much sense to me. Maybe because of the accents, maybe the volume was too low, or maybe the movie just sucked but I had a hard time understanding what the heck was going on. Right to the very end.On a positive note, the acting wasn't bad.... just what they were told to do was. These were some of the strangest behaved vampires I'd ever seen and I often shook my head in disbelief at the storyline. What I felt most during this movie, was annoyed.
lazlopanaflex What can I say about Brit flick Dead Cert, i could be obvious and say it's dead cert this will be dreadful. Well a film starring Craig Fairbrass and Billy Murray was never going to be a classic but nothing can prepare you for how awful this is, the only thing that could make it worse is if Danny Dyer popped up-oh god there he is!! The Vampire genre is getting so stale that film makers are trying anything, so here we have Cor Blimey guvnor meets the undead. please do yourself a favour and avoid, and Billy stick to the Injury Lawyers ads-much more entertaining and Craig Fairbrass, er perhaps retirement or present a show on Bravo-oh no wait that's Dyers job and he still gets time to make at least 3 terrible films a year!